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DIA-NEAR integration

DIA Smart Contract

The DIA smart contract for NEAR (dia-sc) deployed on contract.dia.oracles.near allows any NEAR smart contract to request DIA oracles data.

The main contract API endpoint is the contract.dia.oracles.near.request() function. The parameters to the request function include:

  • A contract-specific request id.
  • the data-key requested (defines the DIA API to request).
  • the data-item requested (filters the DIA API result to return).
  • the callback method where the data will be received.

The data is retrieved by an external process called dia-adapter and sent back to the contract requesting the data, by calling the callback function specified in the request. e.g. near call [requestring-contract-account-id] [callback-method] { "err":"", "data":[dia-api-call-result-data] }

Example Contracts

There are four working-example contracts in this repository you can use as a starting point, each one showing how to consume a specific DIADATA API:

All the DIADATA Apis are documented here

Technical details

The main smart contract contract.dia.oracles.near stores internally pending requests with the following format:

  • originating contract account id (String)
  • request id (U128)
  • requested data-key (String)
  • data-item (String)
  • callback method (String)

The main gaeway contract has a method to report how many pending requests there are: get_pending_requests_count() and another to read all existing requests: get_pending_requests() -> Vec<RequestInfo>

contract.dia.oracles.near has an owner’s method to remove pending request (once the request is completed): remove({contract_id:string, request_id:U128})

The dia-adapter is periodically polling the dia.oracles.near smart contract by using get_pending_requests_count() and will react to pending requests by:

  • Querying the corresponding DIA API endpoint for the data
  • Prepare and execute a NEAR transaction with a function call to the originating contract’s callback method, including the contract-specific request ID, the data-key, data-item and the data information retrieved from the DIA API endpoint
  • The transaction will be signed by dia.oracles.near so the originating contract can verify the data source by controlling env::signer_account_id in the callback
  • dia-adapter records the request contract+ID as serviced and calls dia.oracles.near.remove() to remove the request from the pending list

Build Instructions

  • To build all the contracts (Gateway main contract and test contracts) run, built contracts will be copied into the ./res dir of this proyect.

Unit Test Instructions

  • To run all unit tests (of the Gateway main contract and test contracts) run

Preparing Integration Tests Instructions

The following steps are included in the file

  • First you will need to create a Near account for the gateway contract and the test contracts.
  • We will use the near CLI for this example.
  • Create a Near account and then login into it with near login, repeat this for each account.
  • Execute, the built contracts will be copied into the 'res' folder of this proyect.
  • Use near deploy <account> <path to the contract> eg. near deploy contract.diadata.testnet res/dia_contract.wasm
  • Before using the main contract it has to be initialized with: near call contract.diadata.testnet new '{"owner_id":"diadata.testnet"}' --accountId diadata.testnet Look how we used a sub-account to deploy the contract, in case the testing contract's state has to be deleted the sub-account can be deleted and re-created since re-deploying will preserve the state.
  • Test contracts have to be initialized with: near call tc1.diadata-test.testnet new --accountId diadata-test.testnet Test contracts are initialized with a request id that is incremented for every request and can be set/obtain using the set_id and get_id functions of the contract.

Once all the contracts are deployed in testnet, you can run the integration test from the dia-adapter repostory

DIADATA Testnet Infrastructure

In order to facilitate developing and testing, we will have a running version of the infraestructure in testnet at the near address contract.dia.oracles.testnet, and our own server running near-adapter to process pending requests.

All the client-contract examples run against this test infraestructure.

You can also use this infraestruture for testing at testnet.

While testing, you can use near view contract.dia.oracles.testnet get_pending_requests to check all pending requests (including other contracts using the infrastructure) at any time.


Dia gateway smart contract






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