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Instruction 5005 NREPEAT_N

HoverCatz edited this page Mar 8, 2024 · 1 revision

This will REPEAT the previous/next N1 instructions, N2 times.


  • N1 - Number (required) -- N last instructions
  • N2 - Number (required) -- N times to repeat instructions
  • B1 - Bool (required) -- Before (true) or After (false)
  • B2 - Bool (optional) (default=true) -- Skip the N1 instructions, before repeating them N2 times

Example N1: ${\space\color{#947cdd}2\color{white}\space}$
Example N2: ${\space\color{#947cdd}3\color{white}\space}$

Example 1

	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	NREPEAT_N 2 3 <before: true> <skip: true>

In the example above, N1 = 2, N2 = 3, Before = true, and Skip = true.
In order, we add OwO to the stack, but then we Skip over the (N1=2) next instructions, jumping directly to the NREPEAT_N instruction.
So OwO gets added to the stack immediately, but not the next two strings.
Then we repeat the (N1=2) previous instructions, (N2=3) times.

The instructions above, if we didn't use NREPEAT_N, would look like this:

	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'

Resulting stack: ${[\space\color{#947cdd}'OwO\space '\color{white},\space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space]}$

Resulting output: OwO Hello WorldHello WorldHello World

Stack flow:

  • Stack: [ ]

  • STRING: 'OwO '
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ' ]

  • NREPEAT_N (N1=2, N2=3, B1=true, B2=true)
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World' ]

Example 2

	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	NREPEAT_N 2 3 <before: true> <skip: false>

In the example above, N1 = 2, N2 = 3, Before = true, and Skip = false.
In order, we add OwO to the stack, we DON'T skip over the (N1=2) next instructions.
So OwO gets added to the stack immediately, and then the next two strings.
Then we repeat the (N1=2) previous instructions, (N2=3) times.

The instructions above, if we didn't use NREPEAT_N, would look like this:

	STRING 'Hello ' -- notice these two are being kept here
	STRING 'World'  -- , not skipped over
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'

Resulting stack: ${[\space\color{#947cdd}'OwO\space '\color{white},\space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space]}$

Resulting output: OwO Hello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello World

Stack flow:

  • Stack: [ ]

  • STRING: 'OwO '
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ' ]

  • STRING: 'Hello '
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ' ]

  • STRING: 'World'
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ', 'World' ]

  • NREPEAT_N (N1=2, N2=3, B1=true, B2=false)
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World' ]

Example 3

	NREPEAT_N 2 3 <before: false> <skip: true>
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'

In the example above, N1 = 2, N2 = 3, Before = false, and Skip = true.
In order, we add OwO to the stack, and then we repeat the (N1=2) next instructions, (N2=3) times.
We then skip (jump over) the next (N1=2) instructions, directly to OUT_ALL, skipping over the two string instructions.

The instructions above, if we didn't use NREPEAT_N, would look like this:

	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'

Resulting stack: ${[\space\color{#947cdd}'OwO\space '\color{white},\space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space]}$

Resulting output: OwO Hello WorldHello WorldHello World

Stack flow:

  • Stack: [ ]

  • STRING: 'OwO '
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ' ]

  • NREPEAT_N (N1=2, N2=3, B1=false, B2=true)
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World' ]

Example 4

	NREPEAT_N 2 3 <before: false> <skip: false>
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'

In the example above, N1 = 2, N2 = 3, Before = false, and Skip = false.
In order, we add OwO to the stack, and then we repeat the (N1=2) next instructions, (N2=3) times.
We then execute the next (N1=2) instructions, adding the two strings one more time.

The instructions above, if we didn't use NREPEAT_N, would look like this:

	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello '
	STRING 'World'
	STRING 'Hello ' -- notice these two are being kept here
	STRING 'World'  -- , not skipped over

Resulting stack: ${[\space\color{#947cdd}'OwO\space '\color{white},\space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space, \space\color{#947cdd}'Hello\space '\space\color{white}, \space\color{#947cdd}'World'\color{white}\space]}$

Resulting output: OwO Hello WorldHello WorldHello WorldHello World

Stack flow:

  • Stack: [ ]

  • STRING: 'OwO '
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ' ]

  • NREPEAT_N (N1=2, N2=3, B1=false, B2=false)
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World' ]

  • STRING: 'Hello '
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ' ]

  • STRING: 'World'
  • Stack: [ 'OwO ', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World', 'Hello ', 'World' ]
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