console.log(foo); // undefined
console.log(woo); // ReferenceError
var foo = 'bar';
console.log(foo); // 'bar'
function whataContext() {
return this;
var freakingContext = {
whereAmI: whataContext
console.log(whataContext() === window); // true
console.log(freakingContext.whereAmI() === freakingContext); // true
By adding the new keyword, the scope will be the brand new created object
function whataContext() {
return this;
var freakingContext = {
whereAmI: whataContext
console.log(whataContext.apply(freakingContext) === freakingContext); // true
The function ability of having its own scope.
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
SIAF (Self Invoking Anonymous Function)
SEAF (Self-Executing Anonymous Function)
var tryMeOutThere = true;
console.log(tryMeOutThere); // ReferenceError
var namespace = namespace || {}
namespace.MyClass = function() {
// ...
ns.MyClass = function() {
// ...
Emulates the concept of classes in such a way that we're able to include both public/private methods and variables inside a single object.
Creates objects based on a template of an existing object through cloning.
Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified.
Ensures a class has only one instance by restricting its instantiation to a single object.
Provides a unified and higher-level interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem that makes the subsystem easier to use.
Defines an interface for creating an object where we can specify the type of object we wish to be created.
function MyClass() {}
var myClass = new MyClass();
function MyClass() {
this.publicProperty = 'foo';
this.publicMethod = function() {
return 'I am public!';
var myClass = new MyClass();
console.log(myClass.publicProperty); // 'foo'
console.log(myClass.publicMethod()); // 'I am public!'
function MyClass() {
this.publicMethod = function() {};
MyClass.prototype.sharedPublicMethod = function() {};
var myClass1 = new MyClass(),
myClass2 = new MyClass();
console.log(myClass1.publicMethod === myClass2.publicMethod); // false
console.log(myClass1.sharedPublicMethod === myClass2.sharedPublicMethod); // true
var MyClass = (function(){
// Private Shared Members
var privateSharedProperty = 'private shared foo',
privateSharedMethod = function() {
return '"Static" method accessing a "static" property: ' + privateSharedProperty;
function MyClass() {
// Private Members
var privateProperty = 'private foo',
privateMethod = function() {
return 'Instance method accessing a instance property: ' + privateProperty;
this.setPrivateProperty = function(value) {
privateProperty = value;
this.getPrivateProperty = function() {
return privateProperty;
this.callPrivateMethod = function() {
return privateMethod.apply(this, arguments);
MyClass.prototype.setPrivateSharedProperty = function(value) {
privateSharedProperty = value;
MyClass.prototype.getPrivateSharedProperty = function() {
return privateSharedProperty;
MyClass.prototype.callPrivateSharedMethod = function() {
return privateSharedMethod.apply(this, arguments);
return MyClass;
var myClass1 = new MyClass(),
myClass2 = new MyClass();
/* Private Members */
myClass1.setPrivateProperty('private bar');
console.log('myClass1 Private Property:', myClass1.getPrivateProperty()); // 'private bar'
console.log('myClass2 Private Property:', myClass2.getPrivateProperty()); // 'private foo'
console.log('myClass1:', myClass1.callPrivateMethod());
console.log('myClass2:', myClass2.callPrivateMethod());
try {
console.log('context:', myClass1.privateMethod()); // Error
} catch(err) {
console.log('Can\'t access a private method!');
/* Private Shared Members */
myClass1.setPrivateSharedProperty('private shared bar');
console.log('myClass1 - Private Shared Property:', myClass1.getPrivateSharedProperty()); // 'private shared bar'
console.log('myClass2 - Private Shared Property:', myClass2.getPrivateSharedProperty()); // 'private shared foo'
console.log('myClass1:', myClass1.callPrivateSharedMethod());
console.log('myClass2:', myClass2.callPrivateSharedMethod());
try {
console.log('context:', myClass1.privateSharedMethod()); // Error
} catch(err) {
console.log('Can\'t access a private shared method!');
var MyClass = (function(){
function MyClass() {
var privateProperty = 'foo';
this.getPrivateProperty = function() {
return privateProperty;
this.setPrivateProperty = function(value) {
privateProperty = value;
return MyClass;
var MyOtherClass = (function(){
function MyOtherClass() {
// Calls base constructor
MyClass.apply(this, arguments);
// MyOtherClass.prototype = MyClass.prototype; // Shares the prototype
// MyOtherClass.prototype = new MyClass(); // Calls the constructor twice
MyOtherClass.prototype = Object.create(MyClass.prototype); // Sounds good to me
MyOtherClass.prototype.constructor = MyOtherClass;
return MyOtherClass;
var myClass = new MyClass(),
myOtherClass = new MyOtherClass();
console.log(myOtherClass instanceof MyClass); // true
console.log(myOtherClass instanceof MyOtherClass); // true
console.log(myOtherClass.constructor === MyOtherClass); // true
console.log(myClass.getPrivateProperty()); // bar
console.log(myOtherClass.getPrivateProperty()); // foo
Self instantiation:
var myClass = new (function(){
var MyClass = function() {
// ...
return MyClass;
Object Literal:
var myClass = (function(){
// Private Members
var privateProperty = 'private foo',
privateMethod = function() {
return 'Instance method accessing a instance property: ' + privateProperty;
return {
publicProperty: 'public bar',
setPrivateProperty: function(value) {
privateProperty = value;
getPrivateProperty: function() {
return privateProperty;
callPrivateMethod: function() {
return privateMethod.apply(this, arguments);
/* Private Members */
myClass.setPrivateProperty('private bar');
console.log(myClass.getPrivateProperty()); // 'private bar'
try {
console.log('context:', myClass.privateMethod()); // Error
} catch(err) {
console.log('Can\'t access a private method!');
Use strict equal operator, please!
Why omit semicolons dude?
jQuery (avoid unnecessary queries)
Be careful with browser support (e.g. forEach)
Linter for the win!