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console.log(foo); // undefined
console.log(woo); // ReferenceError
var foo = 'bar';
console.log(foo); // 'bar'
Scope VS Context
function whataContext() {
    return this;

var freakingContext = {
        whereAmI: whataContext

console.log(whataContext() === window); // true
console.log(freakingContext.whereAmI() === freakingContext); // true

By adding the new keyword, the scope will be the brand new created object

Apply and Call
function whataContext() {
    return this;

var freakingContext = {
        whereAmI: whataContext

console.log(whataContext.apply(freakingContext) === freakingContext); // true

The function ability of having its own scope.

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)

SIAF (Self Invoking Anonymous Function)

SEAF (Self-Executing Anonymous Function)

    var tryMeOutThere = true;

console.log(tryMeOutThere); // ReferenceError
var namespace = namespace || {}

    namespace.MyClass = function() {
        // ...


    ns.MyClass = function() {
        // ...

Some Patterns


Emulates the concept of classes in such a way that we're able to include both public/private methods and variables inside a single object.


Creates objects based on a template of an existing object through cloning.


Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified.


Ensures a class has only one instance by restricting its instantiation to a single object.


Provides a unified and higher-level interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem that makes the subsystem easier to use.


Defines an interface for creating an object where we can specify the type of object we wish to be created.

Mimicking Classes

function MyClass() {}

var myClass = new MyClass();
Public Members
function MyClass() {
    this.publicProperty = 'foo';
    this.publicMethod = function() {
        return 'I am public!';

var myClass = new MyClass();
console.log(myClass.publicProperty); // 'foo'
console.log(myClass.publicMethod()); // 'I am public!'
Shared Functions
function MyClass() {
    this.publicMethod = function() {};

MyClass.prototype.sharedPublicMethod = function() {};

var myClass1 = new MyClass(),
    myClass2 = new MyClass();

console.log(myClass1.publicMethod === myClass2.publicMethod); // false
console.log(myClass1.sharedPublicMethod === myClass2.sharedPublicMethod); // true
Encapsulation (Private Members)
var MyClass = (function(){
    // Private Shared Members
    var privateSharedProperty = 'private shared foo',
        privateSharedMethod = function() {
            return '"Static" method accessing a "static" property: ' + privateSharedProperty;

    function MyClass() {
        // Private Members
        var privateProperty = 'private foo',
            privateMethod = function() {
                return 'Instance method accessing a instance property: ' + privateProperty;

        this.setPrivateProperty = function(value) {
            privateProperty = value;

        this.getPrivateProperty = function() {
            return privateProperty;

        this.callPrivateMethod = function() {
            return privateMethod.apply(this, arguments);

    MyClass.prototype.setPrivateSharedProperty = function(value) {
        privateSharedProperty = value;

    MyClass.prototype.getPrivateSharedProperty = function() {
        return privateSharedProperty;

    MyClass.prototype.callPrivateSharedMethod = function() {
        return privateSharedMethod.apply(this, arguments);

    return MyClass;

var myClass1 = new MyClass(),
    myClass2 = new MyClass();

/* Private Members */
myClass1.setPrivateProperty('private bar');
console.log('myClass1 Private Property:', myClass1.getPrivateProperty()); // 'private bar'
console.log('myClass2 Private Property:', myClass2.getPrivateProperty()); // 'private foo'

console.log('myClass1:', myClass1.callPrivateMethod());
console.log('myClass2:', myClass2.callPrivateMethod());

try {
    console.log('context:', myClass1.privateMethod()); // Error
} catch(err) {
    console.log('Can\'t access a private method!');

/* Private Shared Members */
myClass1.setPrivateSharedProperty('private shared bar');
console.log('myClass1 - Private Shared Property:', myClass1.getPrivateSharedProperty()); // 'private shared bar'
console.log('myClass2 - Private Shared Property:', myClass2.getPrivateSharedProperty()); // 'private shared foo'

console.log('myClass1:', myClass1.callPrivateSharedMethod());
console.log('myClass2:', myClass2.callPrivateSharedMethod());

try {
    console.log('context:', myClass1.privateSharedMethod()); // Error
} catch(err) {
    console.log('Can\'t access a private shared method!');
Inheritance / Abstraction
var MyClass = (function(){
    function MyClass() {
        var privateProperty = 'foo';

        this.getPrivateProperty = function() {
            return privateProperty;

        this.setPrivateProperty = function(value) {
            privateProperty = value;
    return MyClass;

var MyOtherClass = (function(){
    function MyOtherClass() {
        // Calls base constructor
        MyClass.apply(this, arguments);

    // MyOtherClass.prototype = MyClass.prototype; // Shares the prototype
    // MyOtherClass.prototype = new MyClass(); // Calls the constructor twice
    MyOtherClass.prototype = Object.create(MyClass.prototype); // Sounds good to me

    MyOtherClass.prototype.constructor = MyOtherClass;

    return MyOtherClass;

var myClass = new MyClass(),
    myOtherClass = new MyOtherClass();

console.log(myOtherClass instanceof MyClass); // true
console.log(myOtherClass instanceof MyOtherClass); // true
console.log(myOtherClass.constructor === MyOtherClass); // true

console.log(myClass.getPrivateProperty()); // bar
console.log(myOtherClass.getPrivateProperty()); // foo

Self instantiation:

var myClass = new (function(){
    var MyClass = function() {
        // ...

    return MyClass;

Object Literal:

var myClass = (function(){

    // Private Members
    var privateProperty = 'private foo',
        privateMethod = function() {
            return 'Instance method accessing a instance property: ' + privateProperty;

    return {
        publicProperty: 'public bar',

        setPrivateProperty: function(value) {
            privateProperty = value;

        getPrivateProperty: function() {
            return privateProperty;

        callPrivateMethod: function() {
            return privateMethod.apply(this, arguments);


/* Private Members */
myClass.setPrivateProperty('private bar');
console.log(myClass.getPrivateProperty()); // 'private bar'

try {
    console.log('context:', myClass.privateMethod()); // Error
} catch(err) {
    console.log('Can\'t access a private method!');

Off Topic Tips



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