Martian Public
Demo video inside! This Android Application uses the official NASA API. Connect to variety of real NASA rovers and access all of their Mars footage!
Kotlin UpdatedOct 2, 2023 -
OneMinuteTimer Public
Demo video inside! This app has the counter decrement which is running inside a coroutine scope up to 60 times.
TwoSpot Public
Demo video inside! This app searches for specified places on the map and draws their location and bussines information. This build was set to draw museums in a area which would be measured by scree…
Kotlin UpdatedSep 29, 2023 -
Unbore Public
Demo video inside! This Android app endlessly generates stuff you can do right now.
Kotlin UpdatedSep 29, 2023 -
Easy_Quiz Public
Demo video inside! This Android Application can run a query of the user experience question cards according to the desired product. This build has 3 example cards for an unnamed product. After comp…