Roblox Account Generator for Python, based on Selenium.
Download chromedriver from this website and replace it with what you have in the folder
First, run this command in your terminal to install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure your Python version is 3.8 or higher.
Make sure you have Google Chrome installed.
Then, download a chromedriver matching your Google Chrome version from this website.
Cooldowns are a time unit in seconds between each account generation stored in the "GENERATION_COOLDOWN" variable in
5 seconds is best if you have a bypass for FunCaptcha (name of the captcha that Roblox uses) Chill mode (135-180) is when the Captcha isn't met. 180 is the one I've been using - no captchas at all (I think)
Have a fun usage. open pull requests if you need