- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- nodemon
npm install nodemon -g
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/naataconnection/web-app-backend.git
Change the directory
cd web-app-backend
Install Package
npm install
Running the server
npm start
- /user
- /register - Send user info to register. Body should contain firstName, middleName, lastName, emailId, contact & role.
- /registerDriver - Will register driver with their details which is visible in the dashbaord.
- /registerManager - Will register manager with their details which is visible in the dashbaord.
- /registerDeliveryBoy - Will register deliveryBoy with their details which is visible in the dashbaord.
- /registerCustomer - Will register customer with their details which is visible in the dashbaord.
- /login_checkUserAndSendOtp - Will check if user has registered and generate a new OTP for a particular user and send it to the email id or contact number.
- /login_verifyOtp - Will verify otp and login user.
- /logout - User will be logged out
- /user/edit
- /sendOtp - Will take the new email id or new contact number and sends otp to that new email id or contact number.
- /verifyOtpAndUpdateField - Will take the otp as input and updates given email id or contact, if the otp entered is correct.
- /otp
- / - Get will give list of all opts
- /noUser - Generate a new OTP without connecting it with user
- /generate - Generate a new OTP with connecting it with a user through user contact in request body.
- /email
- /response - Will Send a verification email to recieverEmail in body.
- /send - Will send verification email with OTP to email id in request body
- /verify - Will verify Email ID and OTP of user
- /genericContact
- /create
- /vendorContact
- /create
- /attendance
- /addUserList - Will populate the attendance database from userList
- /markPresent - Will mark the respective user present with updating the locaion, startTime
- /endtheDay - Will update the end time of the user
- /getReportByDateAndUserCode - Will give the data for range of date of particular user
- /getReportByDate - Will give data for range of date which will added in the dashbard
- /clearDashboard - Will clean the dashbaord
- /superUser
- /registerSuperUser - Send superUser info to register. Body should contain firstName, middleName, lastName, emailId, contact & role.
- /login_checkSuperUserAndSendOtp - Will check if super user has registered and to generate a new OTP for a particular super user and send it to the email id or contact number.
- /login_verifyOtp - Will verify otp and login super user
- /logout - superUser will be logged out
- /block
- /user - Will block the user
- /superUser - Will block the SuperUser
- /users
- /userList - Will get the user firstName, middleName, lastName and userCode
- /profile - Will get the user object and rolewise profile from the usercode input
- /superUsers
- /profile - Will get the super user object from the usercode input