This is a simple Android Application for Wine Production using RestAPI
2 API Versions -> Java & PHP
- Using Custom API
- Using Volley
- Using Recycler View for Lists
- Login Option with levels
- Option to add/edit/delete user account
- App Report
- Options for Add Grape sort, Wine, Bottle, Bottling Wines
- Options for Managment of Grapes, Wines, Bottles and the Bottling Process
- Options for Edit / Delete Grapes, Wines, Bottles, Bottling Process
- Options for easy add, delete & edit
- Username
- Password (sha1Hash)
- Access Level
- Administrator
- User
- Operator
- ID (hidden)
- Name
- Type
- Capacity
- ID (hidden)
- Name
- Type
- Producer
- Quantity
- ID (hidden)
- Wine Object
- Bottle Object
- ID (hidden)
- Name
- Grape Object
- Quantity
- Using custom notifications
- Report page with start and end date (with validations)
- Getting all information about the Wine Production (Wines, Grapes, Bottles, Bottling Process) in details
- Using Servlets (GET & POST)
- Using JDBC Driver
- Using JSON Arrays & Objects
- Different cases - Create, Edit, Delete, UndoDelete
- Servlets for: Bottles, Bottling Process, Grapes, Users, Wines, Report (Information)
- Validations
- 2 Variants per case - GET & POST
- Using MYSQLi with prepared statements
- Different cases - Create, Edit, Delete, UndoDelete
- Cases: Bottles, Bottling Process, Grapes, Users, Wines, Report (Information)
- Validations
- JSON Answers