Google Cloud Storage ( wrapper in CFML, tested on Lucee 5.4.
Download all required jars from
Copy them in "/libs" (or whatever you want) directory, and than set consequently javaSettings var in you Application.cfc:
this.javaSettings = { LoadPaths = ["/libs" ] }
Download the Json key file from your GCP console, copy it into your project directory.
var storage = new GoogleStorage(
dump( storage ) //show all methods
The followings are the public methods you can use:
- getFile
Get details of file. Return struct.
getFile( required String fileId )
- getSignedUrl
Get signed url, valid until now() + minutes passed in arguments. Return url as string.
getSignedUrl( required String minutes, required String fileId )
- deleteFileById
Remove file by name. Return boolean.
deleteFileById( required String fileId )
- listFiles
Get files in bucket. Return array of struct.
You can search for files (including path) starting with prefix argument.
listFiles( String prefix )
- insertFile
Put file in bucket. Return struct of detail of file.
insertFile( required String filePath, required String fileId, required String mimeType, Struct metadata )
- filePath: full path of file to upload. Required
- fileId: full path of file on GPC, without bucket name. Required
- mimeType: mime type of file. Required
- metadata: optional data in a key/value struct to add to the object
- downloadFromUrl
Download file. It is possible to set the filename by passing the fileName argument to the method.
downloadFromUrl( required String fileId, String fileName )
⚠️ The fileId is the full path offile on GPC, without bucket.
Use CommandBox. Start server and point your brower to
Download the keys json file from your GCP console, copy it into the tests folder.
Fit the value of pathToJsonFile arg in the loadStorage() function in /tests/index.cfm
Alessio De Padova to start the project.
The Lucee community for support.
Bruce Springsteen for all the music.