A robust back-end and a responsive front-end, delivering an intuitive and efficient user experience.
Frontend: Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Backend: Python , Django , MySQL / Postgres SQL
Note : For a comprehensive understanding of the database structure, please refer to the design document PDF located in this repository.
- Home Page
- SignIn && SignUP
SignIN | SignUP |
- Menu and Checkout
Menu | Checkout |
Install my-project with npm
PYTHON : 3.8.5
conda install django
Download and install PostgreSQL from https://www.postgresql.org/download/ according to your system
Install pgAdmin 4 from https://www.pgadmin.org/download/ if not installed during installation of postgresql
Install PSYCOG2 - PostgreSQL python connector
conda install psycopg2
Install PILLOW - Python Imaging Library
conda install pillow
Setup Database
create a database PSC_assginment in pgadmin and set a password
now change the password in DATABASES dictionary in PSC_assignment/PSC_assignment/setting.py to the password you set in the pgdamin database
now migrate and set changes, run
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
to save all the changes
For admin login
python manage.py createsuperuser
set admin username and password
python manage.py runserver
this will run the site at the localhost address, which will be shown in the termianl window open that link in browser to show the project
- Adding fooditems in menu or featured dishes
redirect to the admin site by changing localhost:xxxx to localhost:xxx/admin
here you will be asked to enter username and password for admin enter the password and username you entered while creating a superuser
now you will be shown Featured_dishess Food_items Item_typess
add items there and change will be shown directly on main site
- Login and Signup
Without login you won't be shown the checkout option after selecting items from the menu
To checkout first login, to login, use the Login in homepage and you will be redirected to the login page, if you don't have and account first sign up
Now after login you will be redirected automatically to the homepage where the checkout button will be visible if login was successfull
Select the fooditems and click on checkout to place an order on cliking you will be show the bill dynamically