To Install and Setup the Nochex module please follow our integration guide, which can be found here
Bug fixes and feature patches may be submitted using github pull requests, and bug reports or feature requests as github issues. Visit our Knowledgebase for support:
= 3.0 =
- Module updated in relation to the latest version of osCommerce
- Additional Checks in APC and callback functions to check paid / order totals
= 2.3 =
- Small change to APC page
= 2.2 =
- Updated Callback feature and functionality
= 2 =
- Updated Nochex module to simplify setup and no core osCommerce files to update.
= 1.1 =
- Updated APC and Callback to support TLS 1.2
- Detailed Product Information (Xml Collection)
= 1 =
- First Release