A shader that adds a simple posterize effect.
FXC (apart of the Windows SDK)
- Insert
into the root directory or insert the path for FXC in line 11 ofCompileShader.bat
- Run
- You should get a successful compilation message:
fxc.exe "Posterize.hlsl" /nologo /WX /Ges /Qstrip_reflect /Qstrip_debug /Tps_4_0 /Eps_main /Fo"Posterize.fxc"
compilation object save succeeded; see ROOT\Posterize.fxc
fxc.exe "Posterize.hlsl" /nologo /WX /Ges /Qstrip_reflect /Qstrip_debug /Tps_4_0 /Eps_main_pm /Fo"Posterize.premultiplied.fxc"
compilation object save succeeded; see ROOT\Posterize.premultiplied.fxc
Shaders compiled ok
- Android Support
- MacOS / IOS Support