59 commits
to 0f18bf547a3f9b30a1d80e9e9dc1684d3ae86272
since this release
New Features in v1.12.2:
- Cloth model export
- A color channel must be exported to the DAE file for all meshes that should have cloth-like behavior
- When exporting to GR2, the "Cloth" setting should be selected in "Extra Properties"
- MeshProxy model export
- No additional settings are needed during DAE export
- When exporting to GR2, the "MeshProxy" setting should be selected in "Extra Properties"
- Full support for reading/writing LSM files; the new format reduces GR2/LSM file size by up to ~50%
- Support for multiple UV and color sets
Important changes:
- [!!!] Fix batch export settings: Previously the batch export feature ignored GR2 export settings; as a result the generated files used a different GR2 version and vertex format
- Fix QTangent serialization; this caused models exported for D:OS 2 to have incorrect shading because of bad normals/tangents. (Affects versions v1.12.0 and v1.12.1)
Misc fixes:
- Fix import of Collada files where normals/tangents/binormals have a separate input offset. Previously normals were not imported from these files
- Duplicate vertices are now merged automatically on export; while this caused no visual artifacts, it somewhat degraded rendering performance and made vertex editing inconvenient
- Fix LSMv1 metadata serialization; cloth and rigid meshes are now properly recognized by the editor
- Fix export of color values from D:OS 2 GR2 files
- Fix export of 1-frame animation tracks
- Fix language-dependent animation track sorting. If certain characters were sorted differently in the user's language, GR2 export resulted in a broken animation.