TodoList API is an API developed in .Net with the aim of saving user to-dos in a database.
- - Create, update and delete a user;
- - Login with user;
- - Create, list, update and delete user's to-do;
- - Develop the API in .Net 8;
- - Use Postgres as database;
- - Create automatized tests;
- - Run the API and database with docker;
- Clone project to your machine;
- Enter inside folder of project in your terminal;
- Change database credentials in the files
to your configs; - Run command
docker-compose up -d
to run the project; - Run command
dotnet ef database update
to run the database migrations; - Access the URL
to viewer the project Swagger;
- Make sure you have .Net 8 installed in your machine;
- Make sure you have Postgres installed and configured with a database created;
- Make sure you add your database credentials in the file
- Clone project to your machine;
- Enter inside folder of project in your terminal;
- Inside the folder of the project, enter in the folder TodoListAPI on terminal;
- Run command
donet build
to build the project; - Run command
donet run
to run the project.
Your terminal returns a message like's: Now listening on: http://localhost:5241
Now you can enter the project swagger on url: http://localhost:5241/swagger
- Clone project to your machine;
- Enter inside folder of project in your terminal;
- Inside the folder of the project, enter in the folder TodoListAPI on terminal;
- Run command
donet test
to build the project;