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RestartManager Plugin

Jason Spafford edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 8 revisions

Makes sure notifications are sent out during restarts and the waiting period for a restart is respected. Used by other plugins.


Name Example Description
warning_minutes 10,5,1 The number of minutes before the restart that ServerThrall should send a warning. If you want to send multiple warnings, separate them by a coma.
warning_send_discord true If true, warn discord that a restart is coming soon
warning_send_rcon true If true, warn players in game that a restart is coming soon
restart_send_discord true If true, message discord that a restart is currently occuring
restart_send_rcon true If true, message players in game why they are being disconnected as the restart is happening

Example Config

enabled = true
warning_minutes = 10,5,1
warning_send_discord = true
warning_send_rcon = true
restart_send_discord = true
restart_send_rcon = true