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Server Config Plugin

Jason Spafford edited this page Jul 17, 2018 · 6 revisions

Allows you to configure common server settings from your server thrall config. If the config differs from expected, the config will be edited and the server restarted.


Name Example Description
enabled true Set to true or false to prevent this plugin from running
ServerName My Server Sets the name that will be displayed in the server list.
ServerPassword Password123 Sets the server password that will need to be entered to join the server. Leave blank for no password.
QueryPort 27015 Sets the query port for Steam matchmaking. Same as setting -QueryPort in the command line.
MaxPlayers 50 Sets the maximum number of players.
AdminPassword SecretPassword Sets the administrative password for the server. This will grant players administrative rights when used from the settings menu in-game.
MaxNudity 2 Sets the maximum nudity level allowed on the server. (0=None, 1=Partial, 2=Full)
IsBattlEyeEnabled True Enables/disables BattlEye protection for the server.
ServerRegion 1 Sets the server's region. (0=EU, 1=NA, 2=Asia)
ServerCommunity 1 Sets the server's play style (0=None, 1=Purist, 2=Relaxed, 3=Hard Core, 4=Role Playing, 5=Experimental)
PVPEnabled True Enables/disables PvP on the server.
NetServerMaxTickRate 30 Sets the maximum tick rate (update rate) for the server.

Example Config

enabled = true
ServerName = "Test Server"
AdminPassword = ilovefruit
QueryPort = 27015
Port = 7777
RconEnabled = 1
RconPassword = ilovefruit
RconPort = 25575
RconMaxKarma = 60