Resque-scheduler is an extension to Resque that adds support for queueing items in the future.
This table explains the version requirements for redis
resque-scheduler version | required redis version |
>= 2.0.0 | >= 2.2.0 |
>= 0.0.1 | >= 1.3 |
Job scheduling is supported in two different way: Recurring (scheduled) and Delayed.
Scheduled jobs are like cron jobs, recurring on a regular basis. Delayed jobs are resque jobs that you want to run at some point in the future. The syntax is pretty explanatory:
Resque.enqueue_in(5.days, SendFollowupEmail) # run a job in 5 days
# or
Resque.enqueue_at(5.days.from_now, SomeJob) # run SomeJob at a specific time
This README covers what most people need to know. If you're looking for details on individual methods, you might want to try the rdoc.
To install:
gem install resque-scheduler
If you use a Gemfile, you may want to specify the :require
gem 'resque-scheduler', :require => 'resque_scheduler'
Adding the resque:scheduler rake task:
require 'resque_scheduler/tasks'
There are three things resque-scheduler
needs to know about in order to do
it's jobs: the schedule, where redis lives, and which queues to use. The
easiest way to configure these things is via the rake task. By default,
depends on the "resque:setup" rake task. Since you
probably already have this task, lets just put our configuration there.
pretty much needs to know everything resque
to know.
# Resque tasks
require 'resque/tasks'
require 'resque_scheduler/tasks'
namespace :resque do
task :setup do
require 'resque'
require 'resque_scheduler'
require 'resque/scheduler'
# you probably already have this somewhere
Resque.redis = 'localhost:6379'
# If you want to be able to dynamically change the schedule,
# uncomment this line. A dynamic schedule can be updated via the
# Resque::Scheduler.set_schedule (and remove_schedule) methods.
# When dynamic is set to true, the scheduler process looks for
# schedule changes and applies them on the fly.
# Note: This feature is only available in >=2.0.0.
#Resque::Scheduler.dynamic = true
# The schedule doesn't need to be stored in a YAML, it just needs to
# be a hash. YAML is usually the easiest.
Resque.schedule = YAML.load_file('your_resque_schedule.yml')
# If your schedule already has +queue+ set for each job, you don't
# need to require your jobs. This can be an advantage since it's
# less code that resque-scheduler needs to know about. But in a small
# project, it's usually easier to just include you job classes here.
# So, something like this:
require 'jobs'
The scheduler process is just a rake task which is responsible for both queueing items from the schedule and polling the delayed queue for items ready to be pushed on to the work queues. For obvious reasons, this process never exits.
$ rake resque:scheduler
Supported environment variables are VERBOSE
and MUTE
. If either is set to
any nonempty value, they will take effect. VERBOSE
simply dumps more output
to stdout. MUTE
does the opposite and silences all output. MUTE
supersedes VERBOSE
NOTE: You DO NOT want to run >1 instance of the scheduler. Doing so will result in the same job being queued more than once. You only need one instance of the scheduler running per resque instance (regardless of number of machines).
If the scheduler process goes down for whatever reason, the delayed items that should have fired during the outage will fire once the scheduler process is started back up again (regardless of it being on a new machine). Missed scheduled jobs, however, will not fire upon recovery of the scheduler process.
Delayed jobs are one-off jobs that you want to be put into a queue at some point in the future. The classic example is sending email:
Resque.enqueue_in(5.days, SendFollowUpEmail, :user_id =>
This will store the job for 5 days in the resque delayed queue at which time the scheduler process will pull it from the delayed queue and put it in the appropriate work queue for the given job and it will be processed as soon as a worker is available (just like any other resque job).
NOTE: The job does not fire exactly at the time supplied. Rather, once that time is in the past, the job moves from the delayed queue to the actual resque work queue and will be completed as workers as free to process it.
Also supported is Resque.enqueue_at
which takes a timestamp to queue the
job, and Resque.enqueue_at_with_queue
which takes both a timestamp and a
queue name.
The delayed queue is stored in redis and is persisted in the same way the standard resque jobs are persisted (redis writing to disk). Delayed jobs differ from scheduled jobs in that if your scheduler process is down or workers are down when a particular job is supposed to be queue, they will simply "catch up" once they are started again. Jobs are guaranteed to run (provided they make it into the delayed queue) after their given queue_at time has passed.
One other thing to note is that insertion into the delayed queue is O(log(n)) since the jobs are stored in a redis sorted set (zset). I can't imagine this being an issue for someone since redis is stupidly fast even at log(n), but full disclosure is always best.
If you have the need to cancel a delayed job, you can do like so:
# after you've enqueued a job like:
Resque.enqueue_at(5.days.from_now, SendFollowUpEmail, :user_id =>
# remove the job with exactly the same parameters:
Resque.remove_delayed(SendFollowUpEmail, :user_id =>
If you need to cancel a delayed job based on some matching arguments, but don't wish to specify each argument from when the job was created, you can do like so:
# after you've enqueued a job like:
Resque.enqueue_at(5.days.from_now, SendFollowUpEmail, :account_id =>, :user_id =>
# remove jobs matching just the account:
Resque.remove_delayed_selection { |args| args[0]['account_id'] == }
# or remove jobs matching just the user:
Resque.remove_delayed_selection { |args| args[0]['user_id'] == }
Scheduled (or recurring) jobs are logically no different than a standard cron job. They are jobs that run based on a fixed schedule which is set at startup.
The schedule is a list of Resque worker classes with arguments and a schedule frequency (in crontab syntax). The schedule is just a hash, but is most likely stored in a YAML like so:
cron: "*/5 * * * *"
cron: "0 0 * * *"
# you can use rufus-scheduler "every" syntax in place of cron if you prefer
# every: 1hr
# By default the job name (hash key) will be taken as worker class name.
# If you want to have a different job name and class name, provide the 'class' option
class: QueueDocuments
queue: high
description: "This job queues all content for indexing in solr"
cron: "30 6 * * 1"
class: ClearLeaderboards
queue: low
args: contributors
description: "This job resets the weekly leaderboard for contributions"
The queue value is optional, but if left unspecified resque-scheduler will attempt to get the queue from the job class, which means it needs to be defined. If you're getting "uninitialized constant" errors, you probably need to either set the queue in the schedule or require your jobs in your "resque:setup" rake task.
You can provide options to "every" or "cron" via Array:
every: ["30s", :first_in => '120s']
class: CheckDaemon
queue: daemons
description: "This job will check Daemon every 30 seconds after 120 seconds after start"
NOTE: Six parameter cron's are also supported (as they supported by rufus-scheduler which powers the resque-scheduler process). This allows you to schedule jobs per second (ie: "30 * * * * *" would fire a job every 30 seconds past the minute).
A big shout out to rufus-scheduler for handling the heavy lifting of the actual scheduling engine.
Note that if you use the cron syntax, this will be interpreted as in the server time zone
rather than the config.time_zone
specified in Rails.
You can explicitly specify the time zone that rufus-scheduler will use:
cron: "30 6 * * 1 Europe/Stockholm"
Also note that config.time_zone
in Rails allows for a shorthand (e.g. "Stockholm")
that rufus-scheduler does not accept. If you write code to set the scheduler time zone
from the config.time_zone
value, make sure it's the right format, e.g. with:
A future version of resque-scheduler may do this for you.
Similar to the before_enqueue
- and after_enqueue
-hooks provided in Resque
(>= 1.19.1), your jobs can specify one or more of the following hooks:
: Called with the job args before a job is placed on the delayed queue. If the hook returnsfalse
, the job will not be placed on the queue.after_schedule
: Called with the job args after a job is placed on the delayed queue. Any exception raised propagates up to the code with queued the job.before_delayed_enqueue
: Called with the job args after the job has been removed from the delayed queue, but not yet put on a normal queue. It is called beforebefore_enqueue
-hooks, and on the same job instance as thebefore_enqueue
-hooks will be invoked on. Return values are ignored.
Some Resque extensions like resque-status use custom job classes with a slightly different API signature. Resque-scheduler isn't trying to support all existing and future custom job classes, instead it supports a schedule flag so you can extend your custom class and make it support scheduled job.
Let's pretend we have a JobWithStatus class called FakeLeaderboard
class FakeLeaderboard < Resque::JobWithStatus
def perform
# do something and keep track of the status
And then a schedule:
cron: "30 6 * * 1"
queue: scoring
custom_job_class: FakeLeaderboard
rails_env: demo
description: "This job will auto-create leaderboards for our online demo and the status will update as the worker makes progress"
If your extension doesn't support scheduled job, you would need to extend the custom job class to support the #scheduled method:
module Resque
class JobWithStatus
# Wrapper API to forward a Resque::Job creation API call into
# a JobWithStatus call.
def self.scheduled(queue, klass, *args)
Resque-scheduler also adds to tabs to the resque-web UI. One is for viewing (and manually queueing) the schedule and one is for viewing pending jobs in the delayed queue.
The Schedule tab:
The Delayed tab:
To get these to show up you need to pass a file to resque-web
to tell it to
include the resque-scheduler
plugin and the resque-schedule server extension
to the resque-web sinatra app. Unless you're running redis on localhost, you
probably already have this file. It probably looks something like this:
require 'resque' # include resque so we can configure it
Resque.redis = "redis_server:6379" # tell Resque where redis lives
Now, you want to add the following:
# This will make the tabs show up.
require 'resque_scheduler'
require 'resque_scheduler/server'
That should make the scheduler tabs show up in resque-web
As of resque-scheduler 2.0.0, it's no longer necessary to have the resque-web process aware of the schedule because it reads it from redis. But prior to 2.0, you'll want to make sure you load the schedule in this file as well. Something like this:
Resque.schedule = YAML.load_file(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config/resque_schedule.yml')) # load the schedule
Now make sure you're passing that file to resque-web like so:
resque-web ~/yourapp/config/resque_config.rb
(Only supported with ruby >= 1.9). There are scenarios where it's helpful for the resque worker to run itself in the background (usually in combination with PIDFILE). Use the BACKGROUND option so that rake will return as soon as the worker is started.
rake resque:scheduler
This was intended to be an extension to resque and so resulted in a lot of the code looking very similar to resque, particularly in resque-web and the views. I wanted it to be similar enough that someone familiar with resque could easily work on resque-scheduler.
For bugs or suggestions, please just open an issue in github.
Patches are always welcome.