This package contains code to externally validate models for the prediction quesiton developed on the database .
- Applies models developed using the OHDSI PatientLevelPrediction package
- Evaluates the performance of the models on new data
- Packages up the results (after removing sensitive date) to share with study owner
SkeletonPredictionValidationStudy is an R package.
- Requires: OMOP CDM database and connection details
- Requires: Java runtime enviroment (for the database connection)
- Requires: R (version 3.3.0 or higher).
- Sometimes required: Python
- PatientLevelPrediction
A general guide for running a valdiation study package is available here: Skeleton Validation Study guide
# first set up the environment using the lockfile:
# If you don't have renv as an R library you need to install it:
# renv will create an environemnt with all the R libraries and versions that
# were used by the original study developer (this is handy if the study needs to be run
# in the future when new versions are available and may have different code that
# causes a study to break)
# You need to specify a project folder for the renv (the study specific environment will be
# save here) and you need to set you R working direcory to this location before running renv
projectFolder <- "C:/SkeletonPredictionValidationStudy"
dir.create(projectFolder, recursive = T)
# Download the lock file:
download.file("", "renv.lock")
# Build the local library into projectFolder (takes a while):
# (When not in RStudio, you'll need to restart R now)
# To install the package from github:
- Open the validation package project file (file ending in .Rproj)
- Build the package in RStudio by selecting the 'Build' option in the top right (the tabs contain 'Environment', 'History', 'Connections', 'Build', 'Git') and then clicking on the 'Install and Restart'
- Make sure to have either: installed (A1) or built (A2) the package
- In R, run the code in 'extras/codeToRun.R' (see Skeleton Validation Study guide for guideance)
outputFolder <- './Validation'
# add the database connection details
dbms = 'your database management system'
server = 'your server'
user = 'your username'
password = 'top secret'
port = 'your port'
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(dbms = dbms,
server = server,
user = user,
password = pw,
port = port)
# add cdm database details:
cdmDatabaseSchema <- 'your cdm database schema'
# add a schema you have read/write access to
# this is where the cohorts will be created (or are already created)
cohortDatabaseSchema <- 'your cohort database schema'
# if using oracle specify the temp schema
oracleTempSchema <- NULL
# Add a sharebale name for the database containing the OMOP CDM data
databaseName <- 'your database name'
# table name where the cohorts will be generated
cohortTable <- 'SkeletonPredictionValidationStudyCohort'
#===== execution choices =====
# how much details do you want for in progress report?
verbosity <- "INFO"
# create the cohorts using the sql in the package?
createCohorts = T
# apply the models in the package to your data?
runValidation = F
# if you only want to apply models to a sample of
# patients put the number as the sampleSize
sampleSize = NULL
# do you want to recalibrate results?
# NULL means none (see ?SkeletonPredictionValidationStudy::execute for options)
recalibrate <- NULL
# extract the results to share as a zip file?
packageResults = T
# when extracting results - what is the min cell count?
minCellCount = 5
# configure the settings
databaseDetails <- PatientLevelPrediction::createDatabaseDetails(
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
cdmDatabaseName = databaseName,
tempEmulationSchema = tempEmulationSchema,
cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
cohortTable = cohortTable,
outcomeDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
outcomeTable = cohortTable,
cdmVersion = 5
restrictPlpDataSettings <- PatientLevelPrediction::createRestrictPlpDataSettings(
sampleSize = sampleSize
validationSettings <- PatientLevelPrediction::createValidationSettings(
recalibrate = recalibrate
logSettings <- PatientLevelPrediction::createLogSettings(
verbosity = verbosity
# Now run the study
databaseDetails = databaseDetails,
restrictPlpDataSettings = restrictPlpDataSettings,
validationSettings = validationSettings,
logSettings = logSettings,
outputFolder = outputFolder,
createCohorts = createCohorts,
runValidation = runValidation,
packageResults = packageResults,
minCellCount = minCellCount
SkeletonPredictionValidationStudy is licensed under Apache License 2.0
SkeletonPredictionValidationStudy is being developed in R Studio.