HyKKT (pronounced as hiked) is a package for solving systems of equations and unknowns resulting from an iterative solution of an optimization problem, for example optimal power flow, which uses hardware accelerators (GPUs) efficiently.
The HyKKT package contains a linear solver tailored for Karush Kuhn Tucker (KKT) linear systems and
deployment on hardware accelerator hardware such as GPUs. The solver requires
all blocks of the
separately and solves the system to a desired numerical precision exactly via block reduction and conjugate gradient on the schur complement. Please see the HyKKT paper for mathematical details.
Clone the repository
git clone https://gitlab.pnnl.gov/exasgd/solvers/hykkt.git
Make sure you have following build dependencies installed:
- C++ compiler supporting C++11 standard or higher
- CMake >= 3.19
- CUDA >= 11.0
To build HyKKT library and drivers simply
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../hykkt
make test
The executable hybrid_solver
provides an example driver for HyKKT solver
This executable can be run with an appropriate batch script with 10 arguments
- contains the sparse symmetric$H+D_x$ matrix block in matrix market format -
- contains the diagonal$D_s$ matrix block in matrix market format -
- contains the sparse$J_c$ matrix block in matrix market format -
- contains the sparse$J_d$ matrix block in matrix market format -
- contains the$r_{x}$ vector block in matrix market format -
- contains the$r_{s}$ vector block in matrix market format -
- contains the$r_{yc}$ vector block in matrix market format -
- contains the$r_{yd}$ vector block in matrix market format -
- number of header lines to ignore in the .mtx matrix files -
- constant to make$H_\gamma= H + D_x + J_d^T D_s J_d + \gamma J_c^T J_c$ more positive definite (typically$10^4-10^6$ )
In the case of solution of multiple systems, the first 8 arguments are repated for the next matrix in the series. Both matrices must have the same sparsity structure.
Examples of this script can be found in src/old_scripts
Clang-format version 13 should be used, and format is loosely based off llvm code style with custom alterations made as discussed in CONTRIBUTING.md.
To test clang formatting of code base use:
make clangformat
To autofix the formatting of the code base use:
make clangformat-fix
To receive support or ask a question, submit an issue.
Please see the developer guidelines before attempting to contribute.
- Shaked Regev
- Maksudul Alam
- Ryan Danahy
- Cameron Rutherford
- Kasia Swirydowicz
- Slaven Peles
This package is developed as a part of ExaSGD subproject of the Exascale Computing Project.
Copyright © 2023, UT-Battelle, LLC, and Battelle Memorial Institute.
HyKKT is a free software distributed under a BSD-style license. See the LICENSE and NOTICE files for details. All new contributions to HyKKT must be made under the smae licensing terms.