DirinDirin 2d mini games https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nas.dirindirin
GameMaker video player for android in java for DirinDirin mini game project back in 2016 with more than 820,000 downloads and now upgrade it to support gamemaker 1.x and 2.x, plus add support for unity ads.
The game is a bit old now and need many fixes but i do not have enough time to fix it so i speak with the CEO of the company Mohammad Abolhassani and he get onboard with make a few part of project opensource.
if you do not need unity ads you sould simply remove it from the code or comment it out and you are good to go. By default i setup the project to after play each DirinDirin daily animation played start ads, to turn it of just set auto play parameter to false. Also you can turn off unity ads by not initilized the id at the begiing of your project.
All the source you will need is contain in AndroidSource/Java also for unity ads you will need unity-ads.jar inside AndroidSource/libs. All layout and resources are included in res directory
I will add all other platforms support of the project as soon as i have enough time to clean up the code.
It will be contain:
iOS video player writen in swift/objective C
Windows video player writen in C#
linux video player writen in C++
Mac video player writen in objective C