Decentralized registry of 4-bytes signatures to method mappings
- BSC mainnet:
node version 10
sudo curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install 10
nvm use --delete-prefix 10
build-essential package
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
This project uses the Truffle framework. To install the required dependencies run:
yarn install
To run the test suite:
yarn test
To deploy
export RPC_UPSTREAM=<http node address>
export MNEMONIC=<mnemonic>
yarn migrate
A truffle script can be used to register many function signatures to the mainnet registry:
export RPC_UPSTREAM=<http node address>
export MNEMONIC=<mnemonic>
export ADDRESS_SIGNATUREREG=<contract address>
npx truffle exec scripts/register-many.js "add(uint256,address,bool)" "addStage(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)" "deposit(uint256,uint256)" "emergencyWithdraw(uint256)" "massUpdatePools()" "migrate(uint256)" "renounceOwnership()" "set(uint256,uint256,bool)" "setDevAddr(address)" "setDevFee(uint256)" "setMigrator(address)" "transferOwnership(address)" "updatePool(uint256)" "withdraw(uint256,uint256)"