The SMOG generates Java programming models from annotated Excel templates to read and write spreadsheet data. Following spreadsheet entities are inter alia supported: Fields, Tables and Trees. The entities must be annotated with entity identifiers "Field:", "Table:", "TreeTable:" followed by the entity name (see example.xlsx). Additionally, data types of fields or table values can be specified in the corresponding title or head cells (e.g., [Integer] or [StringL] for list types). For list types, an additional separator character can be defined (e.g., [StringL] <;>). The default separator character is "|".
String fields of a table 1 can be declared as foreign keys to fields of another table 2. This results into methods being generated for the Java class of entries in table 1 to access all referenced entries in table 2.
Download one of our JAR releases and run it as shown below (replace 'x.x.x' with the actual SMOG version):
# generate Java files in directory 'src/main/java'
java -jar smog-x.x.x-shaded.jar generate --group-id test.model --artifact-id test_artifact --version 0.1.0 example.xlsx src/main/java
# generate Maven package in directory 'lib', default values are used for --group-id, --artifact-id, and --version
java -jar smog-x.x.x-shaded.jar generate --mvn example.xlsx lib
# specify maven home
java -jar "-Dmaven.home=/path/to/maven/home" smog-x.x.x-shaded.jar generate --mvn example.xlsx lib
# perform an OWL export as described in the config.yaml file
java -jar smog-x.x.x-shaded.jar export config.yaml
Add SMOG as dependency to your project (e.g. as maven dependency in pom.xml
). SMOG is available as maven package
<version><!-- smog version --></version>
The following example demonstrates how to start the SMOG:
// Build a ModelGenerator object from Microsoft Excel file: example.xlsx
ModelGenerator gen = new ModelGenerator(new File("example.xlsx"));
// Use the ModelGenerator object to generate Java class files
// in the directory "test/model" with package name "test.model"
gen.generate(new File("test/model"), "test.model");
// Build a SimpleOWLExport object from a YAML configuration file.
SimpleOWLExport export = new SimpleOWLExport(Config.get("config.yaml"));
// Perform the export, as specified in the configuration file.
property | description |
namespace | namespace to be used for this ontology |
version | version of the ontology, see |
inputFile | Microsoft Excel input file |
outputFile | destination of the output file |
metadata (map) | additional axioms provided as <property-uri>: [value1, value2, ...] |
Example config.yaml
version: 1.0.0
inputFile: example.xlsx
outputFile: example.owl
- Example Ontology
The code in this repository, and in contributions provided via pull requests, should conform to Google Java Style.
We use the flag --skip-reflowing-long-strings
for google-java-format,
as it is currently not supported by all IDEs.
If you are running Linux and have google-java-format
installed, you can run the format script to reformat
all repository files.
Uciteli, A.; Beger, C.; Kropf, S.; Herre, H. (2019): Spreadsheet Model Generator (SMOG): A Lightweight Tool for Object-Spreadsheet Mapping. In: Studies in health technology and informatics 267, pp. 110–117. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI190814.
The code in this repository and the package de.imise.excel_api:smog
is licensed under MIT.