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Weekly Update Journal

Alan Williamson edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 4 revisions

An informal Journal to detail some of updates going on at OpenBD. All of the releases here are available in the nightly build.

Week of the 12th October 2015

  • Build moved to Java 8
  • Mongo 3.x driver updated
  • Fixed AWS AmazonS3List()
  • WebSockets movement happening again now Jetty 9 has been resolved.

Week of the 1st June 2015

  • Investigation continues on the integration of Websockets into OpenBD. There is no universal "clean" Servlet based solution for this yet, with many of the JEE engines providing their own stack. Working with the javax-websocket interface to see if we can weave a solution that works across all application servers. Forked the main branch to do some testing.

Week of the 25th May 2015

  • New functionality added that enables you to proxy remote content from URL's and Amazon S3. Very handy for sites that need to provide extra control or security over resources that they don't wish to expose the true endpoint too.
  • Refactored the script protection area that protects the CGI, FORM, URL and COOKIE scopes from having malicious scripting content inserted into it. Removed some inefficiencies while fixing some edge case problems that were highlighted. Improved logging at startup for this.
  • As part of the script protection, we've bubbled up the regex that we use to detect scripts to the bluedragon.xml so you can easily edit it. Logging at startup will highlight which one you are using
  • Work has started on the integration of WebSockets to OpenBD; we'll be providing server side support only for this, leaving the huge choice of JavaScript frameworks to the developer to decide which works best for them.
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