OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.1 - Bug fixes and enhancements
Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.1!
This release restores the display_screen functionality and has several enhancements
Potentially Breaking Changes
See the release notes for COSMOS 6.0.0!
- Updated the MINIO dockerfile
- Show 404 page for non-existent routes
- Improved error messages for LIMITSBAR, LIMITSCOLUMN (and variants)
Bug Fixes
- Fix display_screen API
- Fix layout of ROLLUP, LED, and SIGNAL widgets by adding computedStyle
All Pull Requests in this Release
- Traefik config tools-router by @jmthomas in #1776
- Add computedStyle to ROLLUP, LED, and SIGNAL widgets by @jmthomas in #1781
- Update Minio by @jmthomas in #1783
- Small login bugs by @ryan-pratt in #1788
- Show 404 page for non-existent routes by @ryan-pratt in #1789
- Upgrade vite to 6.0.5 by @jmthomas in #1791
- Fix menu button height when zoomed out by @ryan-pratt in #1785
- Fix display screen by @jmthomas in #1787
- Fix eslint config by @ryan-pratt in #1792
- Improve trivy checks by @jmthomas in #1790
- Nice error message for widget items without limits by @jmthomas in #1786
Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!
Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+
To Run:
- git clone https://github.com/openc3/cosmos-project.git cosmos-myproject
- cd cosmos-myproject
- Run Linux/Mac: ./openc3.sh run
- Run Windows: openc3.bat run
- Connect a web browser to http://localhost:2900/
- Have fun running OpenC3 COSMOS!
Please see our documentation at https://openc3.com
Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to support@openc3.com.
Full Changelog: v6.0.0...v6.0.1