Releases: OpenMendel/MendelPlots.jl
Releases · OpenMendel/MendelPlots.jl
v0.1.5 Annotated Manhattan Plots
Add support for creating Manhattan plots with gene annotations
Handle P-values that are 0
Update to handle creating plots where p-values are 0. Now clamps them to the floatmin(0.0).
Update for DataFrames.jl changes
- DataFrames.jl changed names(df) to Array{String, 1} instead of Array{Symbol, 1}
release from Zenodo so the package is citable
v0.1.2 Revert "modified code for plotting vertical line to compare with IHT'…
v0.1.1 updated code for compatibility with dataframes and gadfly v1.0.0
Julia version 1.0 compatible