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Some clean up of variables from PR ls -l /scratch/scratch/zcapd47
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ilectra committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent eca1b1f commit c297692
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 58 deletions.
111 changes: 53 additions & 58 deletions src/multiply_module.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,21 +148,18 @@ subroutine mat_mult(myid,a,lena,b,lenb,c,lenc,a_b_c,debug)
integer :: n_cont(2),kpart_next,ind_partN,k_off(2)
integer :: stat,ilen2(2),lenb_rem(2)
! Remote variables to be allocated
integer(integ),allocatable :: ibpart_rem(:,:)
integer(integ),allocatable :: ibpart_rem(:)
type jagged_array_r
real(double), allocatable :: values(:)
end type jagged_array_r
type(jagged_array_r) :: b_rem(2)
! Remote variables which will point to part_array
type jagged_pointer_array_i
integer(integ),pointer :: values(:)
end type jagged_pointer_array_i
type(jagged_pointer_array_i) :: nbnab_rem(2)
type(jagged_pointer_array_i) :: ibseq_rem(2)
type(jagged_pointer_array_i) :: ibind_rem(2)
type(jagged_pointer_array_i) :: ib_nd_acc_rem(2)
type(jagged_pointer_array_i) :: ibndimj_rem(2)
type(jagged_pointer_array_i) :: npxyz_rem(2)
integer(integ), dimension(:), pointer :: nbnab_rem
integer(integ), dimension(:), pointer :: ibseq_rem
integer(integ), dimension(:), pointer :: ibind_rem
integer(integ), dimension(:), pointer :: ib_nd_acc_rem
integer(integ), dimension(:), pointer :: ibndimj_rem
integer(integ), dimension(:), pointer :: npxyz_rem
! Arrays for remote variables to point to
integer, target :: part_array(3*a_b_c%parts%mx_mem_grp+ &
5*a_b_c%parts%mx_mem_grp*a_b_c%bmat(1)%mx_abs, 2)
Expand All @@ -172,7 +169,7 @@ subroutine mat_mult(myid,a,lena,b,lenb,c,lenc,a_b_c,debug)
integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: mpi_stat
integer, allocatable :: recv_part(:)
real(double) :: t0,t1
integer :: request(2,2), index_rec, index_wait
integer :: request(2,2), index_rec, index_comp

logical :: new_partition(2)

Expand All @@ -181,9 +178,8 @@ subroutine mat_mult(myid,a,lena,b,lenb,c,lenc,a_b_c,debug)
call start_timer(tmr_std_allocation)
if(iprint_mat>3.AND.myid==0) t0 = mtime()
! Allocate memory for the elements
if(stat/=0) call cq_abort('mat_mult: error allocating ibpart_rem')
if(stat/=0) call cq_abort('mat_mult: error allocating atrans')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,59 +230,58 @@ subroutine mat_mult(myid,a,lena,b,lenb,c,lenc,a_b_c,debug)

! These indices point to elements of all the 2-element vectors of the variables needed
! for the do_comms and m_kern_min/max calls. They alternate between the values of
! (index_rec,index_wait)=(1,2) and (2,1) from iteration to iteration.
! (index_rec,index_comp)=(1,2) and (2,1) from iteration to iteration.
! index_rec points to the values being received in the current iteration in do_comms,
! and index_wait points to the values received in the previous iteration, thus computation
! and index_comp points to the values received in the previous iteration, thus computation
! can start on them in m_kern_min/max
! These indices are also used to point to elements of the 2x2-element request() array,
! that contains the MPI request numbers for the non-blocking data receives. There are 2
! MPI_Irecv calls per call of do_comms, and request() keeps track of 2 sets of those calls,
! thus it's of size 2x2.
! request(:,index_rec) points to the requests from the current iteration MPI_Irecv,
! and request(:,index_wait) points to the requests from the previous iteration, that have
! and request(:,index_comp) points to the requests from the previous iteration, that have
! to complete in order for the computation to start (thus the MPI_Wait).
index_rec = mod(kpart,2) + 1
index_wait = mod(kpart+1,2) + 1
index_comp = mod(kpart+1,2) + 1

! Check that previous partition data have been received before starting computation
if ( then
if (request(1,index_wait).ne.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) &
call MPI_Wait(request(1,index_wait),MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE,ierr)
if (request(2,index_wait).ne.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) &
call MPI_Wait(request(2,index_wait),MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE,ierr)
if (request(1,index_comp).ne.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) &
call MPI_Wait(request(1,index_comp),MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE,ierr)
if (request(2,index_comp).ne.MPI_REQUEST_NULL) &
call MPI_Wait(request(2,index_comp),MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE,ierr)
end if

! If that previous partition was a periodic one, copy over arrays from previous index
if(.not.new_partition(index_wait)) then
part_array(:,index_wait) = part_array(:,index_rec)
n_cont(index_wait) = n_cont(index_rec)
ilen2(index_wait) = ilen2(index_rec)
b_rem(index_wait) = b_rem(index_rec)
lenb_rem(index_wait) = lenb_rem(index_rec)
if(.not.new_partition(index_comp)) then
part_array(:,index_comp) = part_array(:,index_rec)
n_cont(index_comp) = n_cont(index_rec)
ilen2(index_comp) = ilen2(index_rec)
b_rem(index_comp) = b_rem(index_rec)
lenb_rem(index_comp) = lenb_rem(index_rec)
end if

! Now point the _rem variables at the appropriate parts of
! the array where we have received the data
offset = 0
nbnab_rem(index_wait)%values => part_array(offset+1:offset+n_cont(index_wait),index_wait)
offset = offset+n_cont(index_wait)
ibind_rem(index_wait)%values => part_array(offset+1:offset+n_cont(index_wait),index_wait)
offset = offset+n_cont(index_wait)
ib_nd_acc_rem(index_wait)%values => part_array(offset+1:offset+n_cont(index_wait),index_wait)
offset = offset+n_cont(index_wait)
ibseq_rem(index_wait)%values => part_array(offset+1:offset+ilen2(index_wait),index_wait)
offset = offset+ilen2(index_wait)
npxyz_rem(index_wait)%values => part_array(offset+1:offset+3*ilen2(index_wait),index_wait)
offset = offset+3*ilen2(index_wait)
ibndimj_rem(index_wait)%values => part_array(offset+1:offset+ilen2(index_wait),index_wait)
if(offset+ilen2(index_wait)>3*a_b_c%parts%mx_mem_grp+ &
nbnab_rem => part_array(offset+1:offset+n_cont(index_comp),index_comp)
offset = offset+n_cont(index_comp)
ibind_rem => part_array(offset+1:offset+n_cont(index_comp),index_comp)
offset = offset+n_cont(index_comp)
ib_nd_acc_rem => part_array(offset+1:offset+n_cont(index_comp),index_comp)
offset = offset+n_cont(index_comp)
ibseq_rem => part_array(offset+1:offset+ilen2(index_comp),index_comp)
offset = offset+ilen2(index_comp)
npxyz_rem => part_array(offset+1:offset+3*ilen2(index_comp),index_comp)
offset = offset+3*ilen2(index_comp)
ibndimj_rem => part_array(offset+1:offset+ilen2(index_comp),index_comp)
if(offset+ilen2(index_comp)>3*a_b_c%parts%mx_mem_grp+ &
5*a_b_c%parts%mx_mem_grp*a_b_c%bmat(1)%mx_abs) then
call cq_abort('mat_mult: error pointing to part_array ',kpart-1)
end if
! Create ibpart_rem
call end_part_comms(myid,n_cont(index_wait),nbnab_rem(index_wait)%values, &
call end_part_comms(myid,n_cont(index_comp),nbnab_rem, &

! Receive the data from the current partition - non-blocking
if ( then
Expand All @@ -303,17 +298,17 @@ subroutine mat_mult(myid,a,lena,b,lenb,c,lenc,a_b_c,debug)

! Call the computation kernel on the previous partition
if(a_b_c%mult_type.eq.1) then ! C is full mult
call m_kern_max( k_off(index_wait),kpart-1,ib_nd_acc_rem(index_wait)%values, ibind_rem(index_wait)%values, &
nbnab_rem(index_wait)%values,ibpart_rem(:,index_wait),ibseq_rem(index_wait)%values, &
ibndimj_rem(index_wait)%values, atrans,b_rem(index_wait)%values,c,a_b_c%ahalo,a_b_c%chalo, &
call m_kern_max( k_off(index_comp),kpart-1,ib_nd_acc_rem, ibind_rem, &
nbnab_rem,ibpart_rem,ibseq_rem, &
ibndimj_rem, atrans,b_rem(index_comp)%values,c,a_b_c%ahalo,a_b_c%chalo, &
a_b_c%ltrans,a_b_c%bmat(1)%mx_abs,a_b_c%parts%mx_mem_grp, &
a_b_c%prim%mx_iprim, lena, lenb_rem(index_wait), lenc)
a_b_c%prim%mx_iprim, lena, lenb_rem(index_comp), lenc)
else if(a_b_c%mult_type.eq.2) then ! A is partial mult
call m_kern_min( k_off(index_wait),kpart-1,ib_nd_acc_rem(index_wait)%values, ibind_rem(index_wait)%values, &
nbnab_rem(index_wait)%values,ibpart_rem(:,index_wait),ibseq_rem(index_wait)%values, &
ibndimj_rem(index_wait)%values, atrans,b_rem(index_wait)%values,c,a_b_c%ahalo,a_b_c%chalo, &
call m_kern_min( k_off(index_comp),kpart-1,ib_nd_acc_rem, ibind_rem, &
nbnab_rem,ibpart_rem,ibseq_rem, &
ibndimj_rem, atrans,b_rem(index_comp)%values,c,a_b_c%ahalo,a_b_c%chalo, &
a_b_c%ltrans,a_b_c%bmat(1)%mx_abs,a_b_c%parts%mx_mem_grp, &
a_b_c%prim%mx_iprim, lena, lenb_rem(index_wait), lenc)
a_b_c%prim%mx_iprim, lena, lenb_rem(index_comp), lenc)
end if
!$omp barrier
end do main_loop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -586,7 +581,7 @@ subroutine do_comms(k_off, kpart, part_array, n_cont, ilen2, a_b_c, b, recv_part
integer, intent(in) :: kpart
type(matrix_mult), intent(in) :: a_b_c
real(double), intent(in) :: b(:)
integer, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: recv_part
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: recv_part
real(double), allocatable, intent(inout) :: b_rem(:)
integer, intent(out) :: lenb_rem
integer, intent(in) :: myid, ncover_yz
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -712,23 +707,23 @@ subroutine prefetch(this_part,ahalo,a_b_c,bmat,&
else ! Else fetch the data
ilen2 = a_b_c%ilen2rec(ipart,nnode)
if(.not.do_nonb_local) then ! Use blocking receive
call Mquest_get( prim%mx_ngonn, &
if(do_nonb_local) then ! Use non-blocking receive
if (.not.present(request)) call cq_abort('Need to provide MPI request argument for non-blocking receive.')
call Mquest_get_nonb( prim%mx_ngonn, &
a_b_c%istart(ipart,nnode), &
else ! Use non-blocking receive
if (.not.present(request)) call cq_abort('Need to provide MPI request argument for non-blocking receive.')
call Mquest_get_nonb( prim%mx_ngonn, &
else ! Use blocking receive
call Mquest_get( prim%mx_ngonn, &
a_b_c%istart(ipart,nnode), &
end if
end if
Expand Down

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