taskiq-aws is a plugin for taskiq that adds a new broker based on amazonm's sqs.
To use this project you must have installed core taskiq library:
pip install taskiq
This project can be installed using pip:
pip install taskiq-aws
Let's see the example with the sqs broker:
# broker.py
import asyncio
from taskiq_aws import SQSBroker
broker = SQSBroker(queue_url=http://localhost:4566)
async def best_task_ever() -> None:
"""Solve all problems in the world."""
await asyncio.sleep(5.5)
print("All problems are solved!")
async def main():
task = await best_task_ever.kiq()
print(await task.wait_result())
if __name__ == "__main__":
Launch the workers:
taskiq worker broker:broker
Then run the main code:
python3 broker.py
Brokers parameters:
- url to the sqs.aws_region
- aws region of the queue.task_id_generator
- custom task_id genertaor.result_backend
- custom result backend.