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The Cosmic-ray Shower (CRY) library generates correlated cosmic-ray
particle shower distributions at one of three elevations (sea level,
2100m, and 11300m) for use as input to transport and detector
simulation codes.

The most recent version of the software library and examples can be
downloaded from

Documentation (pdf format) for the user options and physics
behind  CRY libary can be found in the 'doc' directory.

An example using CRY as the input source for Geant4 can
be found in the 'geant' directory.

An example using CRY as the input source for COG can
be found in the 'cog' directory.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Platforms: Known to work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. Should
work on other unix-like systems

Compilers: g++ Known to work with g++ version 3.4.4. 
(To change compilers edit Makefile.common)


Creating the library

Type 'make' from the top level directory. This will generate the
software library lib/libCRY.a and test executables in directory test.
