An iOS app that recommends a restaurant by collecting the dietary preferences and restrictions of members in a group for their next event. Resolve indecision and the manual process of searching and filtering online and use our app to select a place to eat for your next meetup!
- Access a deployed version of the app so that my friends and I can get a restaurant recommendation based on our combined dietary preferences and needs
- Log in and out
- Create and edit my profile
- Fill out required and optional fields
- Have an individual profile and group profiles
- In my individual page, see all groups I’ve ever joined and all events I’ve been a part of
- Create, join, and edit groups
- Logged in user can remove themselves from a group but no one else can remove another member unless the logged in user is the group creator
- Create event
- Add friends to a group and send them event invitations containing a mini questionnaire on dietary needs and cuisine preferences (known as food genre)
- Get a restaurant recommendation for the event based on
- Congruencies between group members’ choices once every member has filled out the questionnaire,
- Location
- See all restaurant recommendations for each event in the group profile and my individual profile
- Receive invitations to join other groups and send food preferences
- Click on an event and view restaurant details
React Native, Expo Go, Firebase, Cloud Firestore.