Wednesday 13 April 2022, 13:00-17:00
SPC Noumea Library Room
Instructor: Arni Magnusson
Main benefits of using Git/GitHub: track changes, backups, collaboration, dissemination
Git concepts: repositories, commits, tags, branches, gitignore
GitHub features: releases, assets, forks, pull requests, issues, browse, access control, authentication
Git commands: clone, status, diff, add, commit, push, pull, log, tag, rm, checkout, clean, reset
Git user interfaces: command line, RStudio, web browser, other
Good habits: commit early and often, keep commits small, keep a light repo, pull before making changes
Techniques to manage multi-contributor collaboration in a single repository
When to manage workflows in separate folders vs. repos vs. forks vs. branches, main git folder
Git workflows for SPC projects, comparison with other online storage solutions