A flicker lamp for Arduino with Quake styles.
And more games use the same patterns, first one is Quake from 1996
So I made a emergency lamp flicker with the same original Quake styles, with some code adaptations. The hardware:
First I get the original world.qc with the original styles.
For the Arduino version I get the styles and put in a string array:
String lightstyle[] = {
"stringN" }
The Quake flicker use the letters a to z to indicate the brightness of the light. Where "a" is for total darkness and "z" for total brightness.
So for make this work with the Arduino and the LEDs, I get the pin 9 of the board (both for Arduino Uno or Arduino Mini Pro) and use the analogWrite() to control the brightness. This require a conversion from "a" to "z" from the original code to 0-255 for the analogWrite() function. This is made whit this simple code, in the Arduino loop():
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
value = (lightstyle[LIGHT_STYLE][i]) - 'a'; //Get the value from a to z from the string array minus 'a' (ASCII 0x61). This returns a value from 0 to 25.
value = map(value, 0, 25, 0, 255); // convert from 0-25 to 0-255
analogWrite(BLED, value); // Put the value in the pin 9 (PWM)
delay(FTIME); // Wait the time for one step
The FTIME value of 100 ms I get with a video of Quake gameplay and a vídeo editor app (Vegas Pro) and pen and paper.
I tested with the classical "FLUORESCENT FLICKER" (10 - "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma"). For change the style, change the LIGHT_STYLE define value.
For power supply I use a USB cable for the arduino and a power bank.