Welcome to nus-class-connect! This repository contains the frontend part for the website.
If you're a first-time user, follow these steps to get started:
Make sure you have the following installed:
- [Your preferred IDE]
- [Git]
- Open your IDE's terminal and navigate to a suitable folder. Then, run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/PallonCX/nus-class-connect.git
- After cloning, navigate into the project directory using the following commands:
cd nus-class-connect
- Pull changes from the main repository and automatically merge them into your local branch.
git checkout main
git pull
- Create a new branch for your changes (modify the branch name to something suit your case, e.g. "navigation-bar-branch"):
git checkout -b my-feature-branch
- Run the following command to start the development server. This will launch your React application, and you can view it in your web browser at http://localhost:3000.
npm run start
- Stage your changes, and commit.
git add .
git commit -m "Description of changes"
- Pull changes from the main repository and automatically merge them into your local branch.
git checkout main
git pull
- Merge your changes to the latest main branch:
git checkout my-feature-branch
git rebase main
- Build the website.
npm run build
- Stage your changes, and commit (for the build).
git add .
git commit -m "Description of changes"
- Push your changes to GitHub.
git push --set-upstream origin my-feature-branch
Go to the repository on GitHub and click "Pull requests" at navigation bar.
Click the "New Pull Request" button.
Choose your branch name and click "Create Pull Request."
src (folder)
- Codes for the website.
index.html (file)
- Must be placed at root in order for github to detect and render the website.