Autor: Ondřej Áč (xacond00)
Založeno na vlastní NN knihovně:, implementován Lanczos algoritmus, inferenční kód a pár nových funkcí.
- Stáhnout release
- Spuštení programu s CLI:
Upscaler.exe img1 img2 ... imgN
- Ukládá stejnojmenné 2x zvětšené obrázky pomocí různých upscalovacích algoritmů s novými příponami např. "_lin.png" v tomto pořadí: Nearest, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos, CNN
Původní návod k použití knihovny pro trenování:
The interface is as simple as possible - create vector and push input, hidden layers and output, create optimizer and then pass both to the network, it manages the given memory itself (dont delete anything manually!).
using namespace BNN;
vector<Layer*> top;
top.push_back(new Input(shp3(3, 240, 160)));
top.push_back(new Conv(12, 5, 1, 2, top.back(), true, Afun::t_cubl));
top.push_back(new Conv(12, 3, 1, 1, top.back(), true, Afun::t_cubl));
top.push_back(new Conv(12, 3, 1, 1, top.back(), true, Afun::t_cubl));
top.push_back(new OutShuf(top.back(), 2));
//Optimizer with: learning rate, regularizer
auto opt = new Adam(0.001f, Regular(RegulTag::L2, 0.1f));
NNet net(top, opt, "Network name");
If you do any changes to the architecture after that, you need to compile it before running !
For training you can then use the Train_single(), Train_parallel() or Train_Minibatch() functions, followed by Save() to save the network to a hybrid text/binary file.
Save_images() can be used to save the output tensor as png image(s), if it has 1 or 3 channels.
//Channels, Width, Height, Count
Tenarr x(3, 240, 160, train_set);
Tenarr y(3, 240, 160, train_set);
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// input, target, epochs, minibatch size, threads, steps (minibatches per epoch), learning rate
if(!net.Train_Minibatch(x, y, 20, 16, 16, -1, decay_rate(0.001f, i, 20))) break;
The model is trained on the error of reference image and low res image upscaled with bicubic interpolation:
d(x) = f(x) - g(x),
where: d(x) is error function, f(x) is full resolution image and g(x) is an approximation of f(x).
This error is then added to the upscaled image during inference:
f(x) = g(x) + d(x) = g(x) - g(x) + f(x) = f(x).
This results in reconstruction of original image f(x).