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Adding a new version

Mitchell Skaggs edited this page Nov 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

How to add a new version of an FTC library


  • Apache Maven installed and the binaries on your %PATH%, etc.
  • A clone of the ftc-lib-repo repository with the mvn-repo branch checked out
  • The library, javadocs, and sources to add

Template command

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=${path-to-install-file} -Dsources=${path-to-sources-file} -DlocalRepositoryPath=${path-to-root-of-ftc-lib-repo} -DartifactId=org.first.ftc -DgroupId=${name-of-lib} -Dversion=${ftc-version}

Current library names

  • analytics
  • blocks
  • ftc-common
  • hardware
  • inspection
  • robotcore
  • vuforia-incomplete
  • wireless-p2p

The vuforia-incomplete artifact is the Vuforia.jar without native C++ dependencies.

Example command

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=ftc_app/libs/FtcCommon-release.aar -Dsources=ftc_app/libs/FtcCommon-release-sources.jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=ftc-lib-repo/ -DartifactId=ftc-common -DgroupId=org.first.ftc -Dversion=3.5 -Dpackaging=aar

This command assumes that you are located in the root of the ftc-lib-repo repository and have the ftc_app repository cloned. If there is no sources .jar, the -Dsources flag can be removed.


  1. Clone the most recent version of ftc_app
  2. Execute the mvn install:install-file goal for each file in the ftc_app/libs/ directory
  3. Add, commit, and push the resulting files to the mvn-repo branch