Easily intergrate the rave payment gateway in your angular2+ project
npm install --save angular-rave
in the your angular project
<script src="//flw-pms-dev.eu-west-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/flwv3-pug/getpaidx/api/flwpbf-inline.js"></script>
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AngularRaveModule } from 'angular-rave';
imports: [
[customer_email] = "'user@example.com'"
[customer_phone] = "'08090909090'"
[custom_title]="'Bill Payment'"
NOTE: Make sure the string are referenced as strings
"500000" - number
"'500000'" - string
Name | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
PBFPubKey | string | true | - | Your merchant public key provided when you create a button. |
customer_email | string | true | - | ( if customer phone number is not passed ) Email of the customer. |
customer_phone | string | true | - | phone number of the customer. |
txref | string | true | - | Unique transaction reference provided by the merchant. |
amount | number | true | - | Amount to charge. |
integrity_hash | string | false | - | (temporarily) This is a sha256 hash of your getpaidSetup values, it is used for passing secured values to the payment gateway. |
payment_method | string | false | "both" | This allows you select the payment option you want for your users, possible values are card, account or both. |
currency | string | false | "NGN" | currency to charge the card in. |
country | string | false | "NG" | route country. |
customer_firstname | string | false | - | firstname of the customer. |
customer_lastname | string | false | - | lastname of the customer. |
pay_button_text | string | false | - | Text to be displayed on the Rave Checkout Button. |
custom_title | string | false | - | Text to be displayed as the title of the payment modal. |
custom_description | string | false | - | Text to be displayed as a short modal description. |
redirect_url | string | false | - | URL to redirect to when transaction is completed. |
custom_logo | string | false | - | Link to your custom image. |
meta | object | false | - | Any other custom data you wish to pass. Eg- [{ metaname:‘flightid’,metavalue:‘93849-MK5000’}] |
onclose | function() | false | - | A function to be called when the pay modal is closed. |
callback | function(res) | false | - | A function to be called on successful card charge. User’s can always be redirected to a successful or failed page supplied by the merchant here based on response. |
You can get more information from rave's documentation
This is an open source project, feel free to create issues and submit pull requests to make corrections or enhance functionality
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Thanks! Ashinze Ekene.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.