BETYdb 5.3.0
Please read the steps below to upgrade your system. Not following these steps could break your instance of BETY.
Password encryption
The previous versions of BETY would ignore the environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE and use the default value defined in config/defaults.yml
. If you have set SECRET_KEY_BASE and upgrade BETY you will not be able to login anymore!. It is best to remove SECRET_KEY_BASE if set and default back to the default SECRET_KEY_BASE.
This release requires a migration.
Steps Needed for Upgrade (Non Docker)
- Log in to the server.
- cd to the Rails root directory.
- Run git pull to get the latest version of the master branch.
- Update any gems using bundle
- Run the migration in the new release with
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
- Restart the Rails server with
touch tmp/restart.txt
Steps Needed for Upgrade (Docker)
- Log in to the server
- cd to the directory with the docker-compose file
- update the version of bety (if you don't use latest)
- stop BETY
docker-compose rm --stop bety
- download latest version
docker-compose pull bety
- run migration
docker-compose run --rm bety migrate
- start bety
docker-compose up -d bety
PEcAn dump script
There is a change to the script/ that will keep the creation/update times of the users in the database. This is needed for future work to speed up database synchronizations. If you use the script standalone, please copy latest script.
Complete list of changes
- #696 : actually now uses environment variable SECRET_KEY_BASE. If this was set, unset otherwise you can not login to BETY.
- #551 : remove GUnload message from console on page change.
- #672 : Added activemodel-serializers-xml Gem to restore functionality of "original" API XML endpoints.
- #674 : Upgraded comma Gem to restore CSV file downloads.
- #699 : when dumping users created/updated is set to date of dump, now keeps original dates.
- use actual information in database for load and dump scripts.
- update doi links -->
- fixed functions to explicitly add public. to function call and table reference. (this will require a migration)
- upgrade rake to 13.0.1 (dependbot fix)
- upgrade nokogiri to 1.10.8 (dependbot fix)
- script to add new users to bety
- dockerfile to dump database in docker image for faster restore of database.
- switched to github actions instead of Travis
- cronjob on github actions to create pecan/db docker image nightly, will safe also with year-weak (i.e 2020-15)