This project intends to use Telegram platform to build a chatbot. The contorl of chatbot is in Run python for starting the chatbot server.
The log is stored in mongoDB. db is chatbot and collections are user and user_history. user stores user_id user_history stores all interaction between user and chatbot in a json format
current_id is the id shows the index of chatbot(with bot_id)'s question.
Setting up 1. Set up the python environment (anaconda) using "environment.yml" 2. Install MongoDB 3. Ask for/create the file containing the Telegram bot token (token.txt). If you are developping the bot on your own, it is recommended to create your own bot and use your own token.
To run the project local computer 1. Run "mongod" (mongo daemon) 2. Open another shell window. Run "".
non-Stanford servers 1. Copy the repository to the server. 2. ssh into the server. 3. Run "screen" 4. Run "mongod" (mongo daemon) inside the screen 5. Open another screen. 3. Run "".
Stanford servers
non-Stanford servers 1. Copy the repository to the server. 2. ssh into the server. 3. Run "krbscreen" and 4. Run "reauth", and then "mongod" (mongo daemon) inside the screen 5. Open another "krbscreen" 3. Run "reauth", and then "".
(if you use screen or do not use reauth, the program will terminate after you log out)