This projects provides Nix derivations for building reproducible and declarative development environments for the D programming language.
package | version range | platforms |
dmd-binary |
2.079.1 - 2.090.1, 2.098.0 | ✅ Linux x86_64, ✅ macOS x86_64 |
dmd |
2.092.1, 2.096.1, 2.098.1, 2.100.2 - 2.109.1 | ✅ Linux x86_64, ✅ macOS x86_64 |
ldc-binary |
1.19.0, 1.25.0, 1.28.0, 1.32.1, 1.34.0 | ✅ Linux x86_64, ✅ macOS x86_64 |
ldc |
1.30.0 | ✅ Linux x86_64, ❌ macOS x86_64 |
dub |
1.30.0 | ✅ Linux x86_64, ✅ macOS x86_64 |
While Nix Flakes are still experimental, they are the recommended way to use
this project, as flake.lock
files ensure that you will be able to reproduce
the exact same build in the future. Furthermore, Flakes allow you to benefit
from the our binary cache -, which is hosted by Cachix.
nix flake show github:PetarKirov/dlang-nix
➤ nix shell \
github:PetarKirov/dlang-nix#dmd-2_102_2 \
➤ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.102.2
Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved written by Walter Bright
➤ dub --version
DUB version 1.30.0, built on Jan 1 1980
➤ nix registry add d github:PetarKirov/dlang-nix
➤ nix shell d#dmd-2_102_2 d#dub-1_30_0
➤ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.102.2
Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved written by Walter Bright
➤ dub --version
DUB version 1.30.0, built on Jan 1 1980
➤ nix profile install d#dmd d#dub d#ldc
➤ nix build -L --json \
github:PetarKirov/dlang-nix#dmd-2_098_1 \
github:PetarKirov/dlang-nix#dmd-2_100_2 \
github:PetarKirov/dlang-nix#dmd-2_102_2 \
Or if you're inside this repo:
➤ nix build -L --json \
.#dmd-2_098_1 \
.#dmd-2_100_2 \
.#dmd-2_102_2 \
Add the following flake.nix
to your project:
inputs = {
dlang-nix.url = "github:PetarKirov/dlang-nix";
nixpkgs.follows = "dlang-nix/nixpkgs";
flake-parts = {
url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
inputs.nixpkgs-lib.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = inputs @ {flake-parts, ...}:
flake-parts.lib.mkFlake {inherit inputs;} {
systems = ["x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-darwin"];
perSystem = { inputs', pkgs, ... }: {
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = [
And then run nix develop
to enter a shell with the latest LDC and DUB installed:
$ dub
bash: dub: command not found
$ nix develop
$ dub --version
DUB version 1.30.0, built on Jan 1 1980
You can find the full example in templates/devshell/
The default.nix
file in the root of this repo is a
shim that
exposes all flake outputs as Nix attributes. This is useful for users who
haven't yet made the jump to the Nix Flakes world.
For example, if you have an existing shell.nix
file, all you need to do is add
the changes marked as "NEW" from the snippet below:
{pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}}: let
# NEW: Import the dlang-nix Nix library:
dlang-nix = import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "PetarKirov";
repo = "dlang.nix";
rev = "b9b7ef694329835bec97aa78e93757c3fbde8e13";
hash = "sha256-zNvuU0DFSfCtQPFQ3rxri2e3mlMzLtJB/qaDsS0i9Gg=";
# NEW: Add `dpkgs` shorthand:
dpkgs = dlang-nix.packages."${pkgs.system}";
pkgs.mkShell {
packages = [
# NEW: Reference D-related packages from `dpkgs`:
You can find the full example in
It should be noted that unlike most traditional Nix projects, this will not
build the compilers using your <nixpkgs>
. Instead it will build them using a
fixed Nixpkgs version defined in flake.lock
of this project. Indeed this is
one of the differences how things are usually done with and without flakes,
even when it's possible to either pin or to not pin the nixpkgs version
regardless of flake use.
DMD and LDC packages come in two variants: binary
and source
The binary
variants are based on the the official DMD and LDC releases, but
repackaged with autoPatchelfHook
/ fixDarwinDylibNames
The source
variants are built from source using the binary
package for the
first step of the bootstrap process.
As far as users of this repo are concerned, both the binary
and source
variants are distributed as pre-built binaries via the binary cache.
This is useful for building custom versions of DMD and LDC, or for building DMD and LDC with custom patches.