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Parse character animations from gltf
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PikminGuts92 committed Feb 7, 2025
1 parent e37b79b commit 3b4ac30
Showing 1 changed file with 238 additions and 0 deletions.
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions core/grim/src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,234 @@
use crate::scene::*;
use gltf::animation::util::ReadOutputs;
use gltf::animation::Property;
use gltf::buffer::Data as BufferData;
use gltf::{Document, Error as GltfError, Gltf, Mesh, Primitive, Scene};
use gltf::image::{Data as ImageData, Source};
use gltf::mesh::*;
use gltf::mesh::util::*;
use gltf::json::extensions::scene::*;
use gltf::json::extensions::mesh::*;
use gltf::scene::Node;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

pub struct GltfImporter2 {
source_path: PathBuf,
document: Document,
buffers: Vec<BufferData>,
images: Vec<ImageData>,
//node_names: HashMap<usize, String>,

pub struct SceneHelper {
nodes: HashMap<usize, String>

pub struct MiloAssets {
char_clip_samples: CharClipSamples,

impl GltfImporter2 {
pub fn new<T>(source_path: T) -> Result<Self, GltfError> where T: AsRef<Path> {
let (document, buffers, images) = gltf::import(&source_path)?;

Ok(Self {
source_path: source_path.as_ref().to_owned(),
document: document,

pub fn process(&self) -> MiloAssets {
let mut assets = MiloAssets::default();

// Only support first scene for now?

for scene in self.document.scenes() {

let node_map = self
.filter_map(|n||nm| (n.index(), (get_basename(nm), n))))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

// Need to look at skins and find bones
// If bones have no anim events, add to "one" clips

// TODO: Compute global matrix of each bone node for use in converting local gltf space to milo space
// Just get bones for first skin
let bone_ids = self
.map(|s| s
.map(|j| j.index())
.unwrap_or_else(|| HashSet::new());

if bone_ids.is_empty() {
log::warn!("No skin with bones found!");

// Process character animations
for anim in self.document.animations() {
let anim_name = anim
.map(|n| n.to_owned())
.unwrap_or_else(|| format!("anim_{}", anim.index()));

// Group channels by target
let channels = anim.channels().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let group_channels = channels
.fold(HashMap::new(), |mut acc, ch| {
let key =;

if !bone_ids.contains(&key) {
// Ignore anim if not for bone
return acc

.and_modify(|e: &mut Vec<_>| e.push(ch))
.or_insert_with(|| vec![ch]);


// Look for translate, rotate, and scale events
let mut full_samples = HashMap::new();

for (node_idx, channels) in group_channels {
// Ignore if node doesn't have associated name
let Some((target_name, _)) = node_map.get(&node_idx) else {
log::info!("No associated name for node with index {node_idx}, skipping");

let (pos, rot, scale) = channels
.fold((None, None, None), |(pos, rot, scale), c| match & {
Property::Translation => (Some(c), rot, scale),
Property::Rotation => (pos, Some(c), scale),
Property::Scale => (pos, rot, Some(c)),
_ => (pos, rot, scale)

if pos.is_none() && rot.is_none() && scale.is_none() {
log::info!("Animation for bone {target_name} has no compatible transform, skipping");

let mut sample = CharBoneSample {
symbol: target_name.to_string(),

// TODO: Interpolate frames for non 30fps animations
// Will need to use time inputs for that

// Parse translation animations
if let Some(channel) = pos {
let reader = channel.reader(|buffer| Some(&self.buffers[buffer.index()]));
//let inputs = reader.read_inputs().unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(); // Time input

let outputs = match reader.read_outputs() {
Some(ReadOutputs::Translations(trans)) =>|[x, y, z]| Vector3 { x, y, z }).collect(),
_ => panic!("Unable to read translation animations for bone {target_name}"),

sample.pos = Some((1.0, outputs))

// Parse rotation animations
// TODO: How to handle rotz?
if let Some(channel) = rot {
let reader = channel.reader(|buffer| Some(&self.buffers[buffer.index()]));
//let inputs = reader.read_inputs().unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(); // Time input

let outputs = match reader.read_outputs() {
Some(ReadOutputs::Rotations(rots)) => rots.into_f32().map(|[x, y, z, w]| Quat { x, y, z, w }).collect(),
_ => panic!("Unable to read rotation animations for bone {target_name}"),

sample.quat = Some((1.0, outputs))

// Parse scale animations
// TODO: Don't skip scales
/*if let Some(channel) = scale {
let reader = channel.reader(|buffer| Some(&self.buffers[buffer.index()]));
//let inputs = reader.read_inputs().unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(); // Time input
let outputs = match reader.read_outputs() {
Some(ReadOutputs::Scales(scales)) =>|[x, y, z]| Vector3 { x, y, z }).collect(),
_ => panic!("Unable to read scale animations for bone {target_name}"),
//sample.scale = Some((1.0, outputs))

full_samples.insert(node_idx, sample);

// Compute one samples
// Find any bone transformation w/o animation and default to rest position
let one_samples = bone_ids
.filter_map(|b| match full_samples.get(b) {
Some(s) if s.pos.is_some() && s.quat.is_some() => None,
Some(s) => {
let (_name, node) = node_map.get(b).expect("Get bone node for one anim");
let ([tx, ty, tz], [rx, ry, rz, rw], [_sx, _sy, _sz]) = node.transform().decomposed();

Some(CharBoneSample {
symbol: s.symbol.to_owned(),
pos: if s.pos.is_none() {
Some((1.0, vec![Vector3 { x: tx, y: ty, z: tz }]))
} else {
quat: if s.quat.is_none() {
Some((1.0, vec![Quat { x: rx, y: ry, z: rz, w: rw }]))
} else {
_ => None

let mut clip = CharClipSamples {
one: CharBonesSamples {
samples: EncodedSamples::Uncompressed(one_samples),
full: CharBonesSamples {
samples: EncodedSamples::Uncompressed(full_samples

// Compress anim samples here? Re-compute char bones from sample names too


mod tests {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,4 +272,12 @@ mod tests {

assert_eq!(orig_milo_world_anim_transform, new_milo_world_anim_transform);

fn get_basename(name: &str) -> &str {
// Get string value until dot

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