This repository is the collection of various project that I've build during my journey of learning full stack web development through odin project and love babbar. These are one of the great web dev curriculam I have come across you don't get stuck in the tutorial hell and it's awesome.
If you are someone who want to learn web development without getting stuck into the tutorial hell and you are someone who is not big fan of youtube video here you can follow this link and get to the work let's continue this journey together The Odin Project
There are two parts in the projects first created using simple html, css and vanila js and second using react
- Simple Landing Page
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Etch A Sketch
- Calculator
- Sign Up Form
- Admin Panel
- Razorpay Clone
- Password Generator
- Weather App
- Tic Tac Toe
- Demo Shop App
- Counter App
- Plan With Love
- Todo List
- Top Courses
- Form App
- Testimonial Site
- Meme Generator
- Blog Website
- Shopping Cart
- Razorpay Clone
- Landing Page