Complete bindings for the objc runtime library. Each of these functions should be fully working.
Procs that begin with objc_ have that addtional prefix removed as the package name itself is already objc.
On macOS no addtional library is required as the system.framework already includes the objc runtime library.
For other systems (linux/bsd) you want to include the runtime library impl in order to make it work.
If that is done one can just include it like that:
import "<Collection Name>:objc"
import "shared:objc"
- Addition of usage examples (pure objc no external lib)
- Addtion of tests for each of the defined procs
- Addition of more complicated setups with external library's
- Making a generic class/protocol builder for odin
- Making a builder for blocks (unsure wether that is easy todo)
- Seperating the runtime functions in to there own files (not sure if that makes sense)