A lightweight installer plugin written for null-ls used to manage formatters
Formatters are installed locally into vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/formatters"
(it's usually located at ~/.local/share/nvim/formatters
Created because I couldn't find anyone else who has done it yet. Feel free to send issues, pull requests. All help will be greatly appreciated!
Also, there's no Windows support, but I am open to pull requests
Via packer
requires = "PlatyPew/format-installer.nvim",
after = "nvim-lspconfig", -- To prevent null-ls from failing to read buffer
Setup (Unnecessary if you don't want to change the installation path)
-- defaults
-- change path to suit your needs
installation_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/formatters/',
:FInstall <fomatter>
to install formatters
:FUninstall <fomatter>
to uninstall formatters
to list installed formatters
You will need to restart Neovim for the formatters to take effect.
This should be used in tandem with null-ls
local null_ls = require'null-ls'
local formatter_install = require'format-installer'
local sources = {}
for _, formatter in ipairs(formatter_install.get_installed_formatters()) do
local config = { command = formatter.cmd }
table.insert(sources, null_ls.builtins.formatting[formatter.name].with(config))
sources = sources,
What if I want to customise the args?
-- Custom configs to pass
local custom_configs = {
clang_format = {
extra_args = {
"{IndentWidth: 4, PointerAlignment: Left, ColumnLimit: 100, AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty}",
prettier = {
extra_args = {
stylua = {
extra_args = {
yapf = {
extra_args = {
local sources = {}
for _, formatter in ipairs(formatter_install.get_installed_formatters()) do
local config = { command = formatter.cmd }
if custom_configs[formatter.name] ~= nil then
config.extra_args = custom_configs[formatter.name].extra_args
table.insert(sources, null_ls.builtins.formatting[formatter.name].with(config))
-- Optional: Additional formatters/diagnostics that are not included
-- This just uses the null-ls defaults
Formatter | Dependencies | Version |
asmfmt | curl, tar | 1.3.2 |
autopep8 | virtualenv | |
black | virtualenv | |
clang_format | llvm | |
cmake_format | virtualenv | |
codespell | virtualenv | |
djhtml | virtualenv | |
eslint | npm | |
eslint_d | npm | |
fixjson | npm | |
fprettify | virtualenv | |
google_java_format | curl, java | 1.15.0 |
isort | virtualenv | |
markdownlint | npm | |
mypy | virtualenv | |
nginx_beautifier | npm | |
prettier | npm | |
prettier_d_slim | npm | |
prettier_standard | npm | |
prettierd | npm | |
reorder_python_imports | virtualenv | |
rustfmt | curl, tar | 1.5.1 |
shfmt | curl | 3.5.1 |
stylelint | npm | |
stylua | curl, unzip | 0.14.2 |
trim_newlines | awk | |
yapf | virtualenv |
- Setups the installation pathrequire'format-installer'.install_formatter(<formatter>)
- Installs formatterrequire'format-installer'.uninstall_formatter(<formatter>)
- Uninstalls formatterrequire'format-installer'.get_installed_formatters()
- Returns a table of installed formattersrequire'format-installer'.exists(<formatter>)
- Returns boolean if formatter existsrequire'format-installer'.is_installed(<formatter>)
- Returns boolean if formatter is installed