Drawing like a Human from this
to this
Clone the repository and install the requirements
git clone https://github.com/Plutokekz/GarticPhoneBot.git
cd GarticPhone
pip install -r requirements.txt
For Selenium you need
Mozilla Firefox and the
geckodriver. (Alternative you can use one of the other Selenium Driver
and the respective browser. But you have the Change the used Selenium Driver in Bot.py
Put the driver in the Project directory or in your Path.
To make an image to an SVG you need Potrace.
Put it in the Project directory or in your Path.
Currently, you have to run Bot.py
which starts Firefox and opens GarticPhone. Then it accepts the cookies and logs
itself in. After that, it selects the solo game mode and start's it. After processing the image it starts drawing.
When its finished, it will take a Screenshot of the Browser and run forever in a loop printing the current status of
the Bot.
If you run SVGParser.py
the svg called processed_image
gets drawn with pyautogui. Which means it gets drawn with
your Mouse. And the is no shortcut to interrupt it. You can only stop it by triggering the pyautogui failsafe. Therefor
the mouse has to go out of Screen. On Windows you can do this by Pressing STRG+ALT+ENTF
Only in the code available, every function got there docstring with a little explanation