- ✅I mainly use languages such as html, css, JavaScript and typeScript.
- ☢️I mostly write front-end applications.
- Node.JS - As a backend
- Postgres - use the database for full stack projects
- express - framework for writing bakkend
- socket.io - Web socket
- Nest - coming soon 🕓
- React -the main library for writing applications
- Redux - state manager
- SASS - using for styles
- Three.js - I write various 3D scenes and games
- GSAP - animation
- Vite - bundler
- Phaser- coming soon 🕓
- Next.js - coming soon 🕓
- Figma - make website templates and logos in it
- Adobe photoshop - Photo Editor
- Krita - For drawing
- Blender - I use it almost the same way as Photoshop, but for more complex scenes. Also for creating a 3D model.
- I wrote a little bit of console applications and WinForm in C Sharp. Unity has only scratched the surface
- Wrote data structures and small console applications in C. The language is interesting to me. I plan to learn raylib or openGl or something similar but giving more control over the application
- Python is a little more familiar. wrote console applications. wrote on pygame games. and tried django. Language is not interesting for me