Portal web services provide several APIs for registering devices, setting alerts, getting market prices
We use library for socket connections. It has several client libraries available and provides an easy integration.
Websocket URI :
Parameters: exchange, symbol, base, quote, id
Once, connected via socket, you can listen on 2 messages, ticker and orderbook ex:
socket.on("connect") {
socket.on("ticker") { response }
socket.on("orderbook") { response }
- fullId: string - the normalized market id prefixed with the exchange, ie: Binance:LTC/BTC
- exchange: string - the name of the exchange
- base: string - the normalized base symbol for the market
- quote: string - the normalized quote symbol for the market
- timestamp: int - the unix timestamp in milliseconds
- last: string - the last price of a match that caused a tick
- open: string - the price 24 hours ago
- low: string - the highest price in the last 24 hours
- high: string - the lowest price in the last 24 hours
- volume: string - the base volume traded in the last 24 hours
- quoteVolume: string - the quote volume traded in the last 24 hours
- change: string - the price change (last - open)
- changePercent: string - the price change in percent (last - open) / open * 100
- bid: string - the best bid price
- bidVolume: string - the volume at the best bid price
- ask: string - the best ask price
- askVolume: string - the volume at the best ask price
- fullId: string - the normalized market id prefixed with the exchange, ie: Binance:LTC/BTC
- exchange: string - the name of the exchange
- base: string - the normalized base symbol for the market
- quote: string - the normalized quote symbol for the market
- timestampMs: int - optional timestamp in milliseconds for the snapshot
- sequenceId: int - optional sequence identifier for the snapshot
- asks: [Level2Point] - the ask (seller side) price points
- bids: [Level2Point] - the bid (buyer side) price points
- price: string - price
- size: string - aggregated volume for all orders at this price point
- count: int - optional number of orders aggregated into the price point
Below are a list of APIs leverage in portal desktop app at various interfaces.
Response 200 (application/json)
[ { "change":13.552, "icon":"", "last":0.01969, "name":"Matic Network" } ]
Response 200 (application/json)
[ { "exchange":"Binance", "id":"binance", "icon":"" }, { "exchange":"Bittrex", "id":"bittrex", "icon":"" }, { "exchange":"Coinbase Pro", "id":"coinbasepro", "icon":"" }, { "exchange":"Kraken", "id":"kraken", "icon":"" } ]
- ex (string) - exchange id
Response 200 (application/json)
[ { "exchange":[ { "id":"kraken", "sym":"XETHZGBP.d", "bVol":0, "qVol":0, "price":0, "active":true } ], "icon":"", "name":"Ethereum", "base":"ETH", "quote":"GBP", "quote_icon":"", "quote_name":"British Pound", "symbol":"ETHGBP.d", "change":0, "last":0, "id":"ETHGBP.d" } ]
Response 200 (application/json)
[ { "_id":"5ce35d190088a11ec3099c63", "symbol":"GNT", "exchange":[ { "id":"coinbasepro", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"huobipro", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"bittrex", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"binance", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"upbit", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"zb", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"bitfinex", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true } ], "icon":"", "id":33022, "name":"Golem Network Token", "platform":{ "id":1027, "name":"Ethereum", "symbol":"ETH", "slug":"ethereum", "token_address":"0xa74476443119A942dE498590Fe1f2454d7D4aC0d" } }, { "_id":"5ce35d190088a11ec3099c69", "symbol":"XLM", "exchange":[ { "id":"coinbasepro", "active":false, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"huobipro", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"bittrex", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"binance", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"upbit", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"kraken", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"zb", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true }, { "id":"bitfinex", "active":true, "deposit":true, "withdraw":true } ], "icon":"", "id":4614, "name":"Stellar", "platform":null } ]
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "binance":[ { "code":"-1000", "msg":"An unknown error occured while processing the request." }, { "code":"-1001", "msg":"Internal error; unable to process your request. Please try again." }, { "code":"-1002", "msg":"You are not authorized to execute this request." }, { "code":"-1003", "msg":"Too many requests queued." }, { "code":"-1006", "msg":"An unexpected response was received from the message bus. Execution status unknown." }, { "code":"-1007", "msg":"Timeout waiting for response from backend server. Send status unknown; execution status unknown." }, { "code":"MAX_ALGO_ORDERS", "msg":"Account has too many open stop loss and/or take profit orders on the symbol." }, { "code":"EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ORDERS", "msg":"Account has too many open orders on the exchange." }, { "code":"EXCHANGE_MAX_ALGO_ORDERS", "msg":"Account has too many open stop loss and/or take profit orders on the exchange." } ], "bittrex":[ { "code":"two_factor_required", "msg":"When sending money over 2fa limit" }, { "code":"EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ORDERS", "msg":"Account has too many open orders on the exchange." } ], "coinbasepro":[ { "code":"two_factor_required", "msg":"When sending money over 2fa limit" }, { "code":"EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ORDERS", "msg":"Account has too many open orders on the exchange." } ], "kraken":[ { "code":"two_factor_required", "msg":"When sending money over 2fa limit" }, { "code":"EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ORDERS", "msg":"Account has too many open orders on the exchange." } ] }
- dev_id - device id of the user (a unique id)
- id - alert id (a unique id)
- coin - coin on which alert is set (coin-id of coinpaprika)
- price (number in usd) - alert price
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "message":"Successfully created", }
- dev_id - device id of the user (a unique id)
- id - alert id (a unique id)
- coin - coin on which alert is set (coin-id of coinpaprika)
- price (number in usd) - alert price
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "message":"Successfully created", }
- id - alert id
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "message":"Successfully removed", }
- dev_id - device id of the user (a unique id)
- token - push token of the device
- platform - OS platform, ex: "MacOS, windows"
Response 200 (application/json)
{ "message":"Successfully created", }