PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions is a library to mock and assert easily the logs generated by the ILogger interface.
The PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions
library is available directly on the
official website.
To download and install the library to your Visual Studio unit test projects use the following NuGet command line
Install-Package PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions
Imagine that you have the following class which contains various log:
public class CustomerManager
private readonly IEmailProvider emailProvider;
private readonly ILogger<CustomerManager> logger;
public CustomerManager(IEmailProvider emailProvider, ILogger<CustomerManager> logger)
this.emailProvider = emailProvider;
this.logger = logger;
public async Task SendEmailAsync(int id, string name)
this.logger.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'", name, id);
using (this.logger.BeginScope(new { Id = id }))
this.logger.LogDebug("Call the SendAsync() method");
await this.emailProvider.SendAsync(name);
this.logger.LogDebug("SendAsync() method has been called.");
this.logger.LogInformation("Email provider has been called.");
catch (Exception exception)
this.logger.LogError(exception, "Unable to send the email !");
public interface IEmailProvider
Task SendAsync(string name);
As a good developer (like me), who always do unit tests with 100% of code coverage, you have to write the unit tests
to test the SendEmailAsync()
method and mock the IEmailProvider
and ILogger<T>
interfaces with your favorite mocking library.
(Moq for me...).
Some developers consider that log information should not be test with unit tests... π π
interface and his methods calls should be test as any normal code and specially the scope to be sure we inject the right data. Most often, developpers discover that their own logs don't log things correctly in production environments... π π
So the unit test to write for the previous example should look like something like that:
public async Task SendEmailAsync()
// Arrange
var emailProvider = new Mock<IEmailProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
emailProvider.Setup(ep => ep.SendAsync("Gilles TOURREAU"))
var logger = new Mock<ILogger<CustomerManager>>(MockBehavior.Strict);
logger.Setup(l => l.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'", ..., ..., ... )) // WTF???
logger.Setup(l => l.BeginScope<...>(...)) // WTF???
var manager = new CustomerManager(emailProvider.Object, logger.Object);
// Act
await manager.SendEmailAsync(1234, "Gilles TOURREAU");
// Assert
As your can see, it is very hard to mock the Log() method of the ILogger interface which have the following signature:
void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception? exception, Func<TState, Exception?, string> formatter)
And also to check the scope usage with the ILogger interface it can be hard!
The PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions library allows the developpers to mock the ILogger easily and setup the sequence of the expected logs using a fluent style code. For the previous example, this is how the unit test look like for the previous example.
public async Task SendEmailAsync()
// Arrange
var emailProvider = new Mock<IEmailProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
emailProvider.Setup(ep => ep.SendAsync("Gilles TOURREAU"))
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'")
.WithArguments("Gilles TOURREAU", 1234)
.BeginScope(new { Id = 1234 })
.LogDebug("Call the SendAsync() method")
.LogDebug("SendAsync() method has been called.")
.LogInformation("Email provider has been called.")
var manager = new CustomerManager(emailProvider.Object, logger.Object);
// Act
await manager.SendEmailAsync(1234, "Gilles TOURREAU");
// Assert
π π Sexy isn't it??? The unit test is more easy to read and write!
Do not forget to call the
at the end of your unit test like aVerifyAll()
call with the Moq library. TheVerifyLogs()
will check that all methods setup (Arrange) are called by the code under test (Act).
Do not hesitate to use the indentation to make the fluent code more readable specially when using nested scopes.
For example to check nested log scopes write the following code with the following indented code:
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'")
.WithArguments("Gilles TOURREAU", 1234)
.BeginScope(new { Id = 1234 })
.BeginScope(new { Name = "Gilles" })
.LogError("Error in the scope 1234 + Gilles")
.LogInformation("Log between the 2 nested scopes.")
.BeginScope(new { Name = "Aiza" })
.LogError("Error in the scope 1234 + Aiza")
To test an Exception
with specified in the LogError()
method of the ILogger
interface use the
method an set the instance expected:
public async Task SendEmailAsync_WithException()
// Arrange
var theException = new FormatException("An exception");
var emailProvider = new Mock<IEmailProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
emailProvider.Setup(ep => ep.SendAsync("Gilles TOURREAU"))
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'")
.WithArguments("Gilles TOURREAU", 1234)
.BeginScope(new { Id = 1234 })
.LogDebug("Call the SendAsync() method")
.LogError("Unable to send the email !")
var manager = new CustomerManager(emailProvider.Object, logger.Object);
// Act
await manager.Invoking(m => m.SendEmailAsync(1234, "Gilles TOURREAU"))
// Assert
In the case the exception is throw by the code (It is mean the exception is not produced by the unit test during the Arrange phase), use the version with a delegate to check the content of the Exception:
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'")
.WithArguments("Gilles TOURREAU", 1234)
.BeginScope(new { Id = 1234 })
.LogDebug("Call the SendAsync() method")
.LogError("Unable to send the email !")
.WithException(e =>
e.Message.Should().Be("An exception");
The power of this library is the ability to assert the log message templates including the arguments. (You know the kind of log messages which contains the vital identifiers to search in emergency in production environment and are often bad logged by the developpers... π π).
To assert the log message templates parameters use the WithArguments()
method which is available with 2 overloads:
WithArguments(params object[] expectedArguments)
: Allows to specify the expected arguments of the log message template.WithArguments(int expectedCount, Action<LogMessageTemplateArguments> expectedArguments)
: Allows to specify an delegate to assert complex arguments.
For example, to assert the following log message:
this.logger.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'", name, id);
Using the first way with the WithArguments(params object[] expectedArguments)
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'")
.WithArguments("Gilles TOURREAU", 1234)
... // Continue the setup expected log sequence
Using the second way with the WithArguments(int expectedCount, Action<LogMessageTemplateArguments> expectedArguments)
which give you more control of the assertions:
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'")
.WithArguments(2, args =>
args["Name"].Should().Be("Gilles TOURREAU");
... // Continue the setup expected log sequence
Here we use the FluentAssertions library to check the arguments values of the log message template, but of course you can use your favorite assertion library to check it.
The second way allows also to check the arguments of the log template message by there index (it is not what I recommand, because if the trainee developper in your team change the name of the arguments name in the log message template, you will not see the impacts in your unit tests execution...):
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer '{Name}' with the identifier '{Id}'")
.WithArguments(2, args =>
args[0].Should().Be("Gilles TOURREAU");
... // Continue the setup expected log sequence
If you use the BeginScope
method in your logging process, you can assert the content of state
specified in argument using two methods.
For example, to assert the following code:
using (this.logger.BeginScope(new StateInfo() { Id = 1234 }))
... // Other Log
With the StateInfo
class as simple like like that:
public class StateInfo
public int Id { get; set; }
You can assert the BeginScope()
method call using an anonymous object:
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.BeginScope(new { Id = 1234 })
... // Other Log() assertions
assertion check the equivalence (property by property and not the reference itself) between the actual object in the code and the expected object in the assertion.
Or you can assert the BeginScope()
method call using a delegate if your state object is complex:
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.BeginScope<State>(state =>
... // Other Log() assertions
If you use Application Insights as output of your logs, the BeginScope()
state argument must take a dictionary of string/object as the following code sample:
using (this.logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Id", 1234 } }))
... // Other Log
To assert the BeginScope()
in the previous sample code, you can use the SetupSequence().BeginScope(Object)
method assertion as pass the expected
dictionary as argument.
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.BeginScope(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Id", 1234 } })
... // Other Log() assertions
The PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions library provides a
method which allows to assert the content of the dictionary using an object (Each property and his value of the expected
object is considered as a key/value couple of the dictionary). Do not hesitate to use anonymous object in your unit test to make the code more easy to read.
The following example have the same behavior as the previous example, but is more easy to read by removing the dictionary instantiation and some extract brackets:
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.BeginScopeAsDictionary(new { Id = 1234 })
... // Other Log() assertions
To test the call of the IsEnabled(LogLevel)
call the setup method in the sequence with LogLevel
expected. Also you have to define the value
which have to be returned when method is called.
For example, imagine the following code to test:
public class CustomerManager
private readonly ILogger<CustomerManager> logger;
public CustomerManager(ILogger<CustomerManager> logger)
this.logger = logger;
public string SendEmail(int id, string name)
if (this.logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information))
this.logger.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer.");
return "Log information enabled";
this.logger.LogDebug("The log information is not enabled...");
return "Log information not enabled";
To test the previous code just write the following unit tests:
public class CustomerManagerTest
public void Test_WithInformationEnabled()
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogInformation("Starting to send an email to the customer.");
var manager = new CustomerManager(logger.Object);
var result = manager.SendEmail();
result.Should().Be("Log information enabled");
public void Test_WithInformationDisabled()
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
.LogDebug("The log information is not enabled...");
var manager = new CustomerManager(logger.Object);
var result = manager.SendEmail();
result.Should().Be("Log information not enabled");
The PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions library try to make the assert fail messages the most easy to understand for the developers:
The PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions library
allows to mock the ILogger<T>
and ILogger
To mock a ILogger<T>
implementation use the following code:
var logger = new LoggerMock<CustomerManager>();
To mock a ILogger
implementation use the following code:
var logger = new LoggerMock();
Both usage offers the same fluent assertion methods.
- The PosInformatique.Logging.Assertions target the .NET Standard 2.0 and the version 2.0.0 of the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions NuGet package. So this library can be used with different .NET architecture projects (.NET Framework, .NET Core, Xamarin,...) and also with old versions of the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions NuGet package.