🏨 Hotel Management System A simple hotel booking website with a content management system. Users can book rooms for specific dates, while the admin has full control over room details and application management..
🛠️ Tech Stack • HTML • CSS • JavaScript • PHP • Bootstrap
📋 Requirements
- Download & Install XAMPP in C:\xampp (default location).
- Clone this repository into C:\xampp\htdocs.
- Run XAMPP and start the "Apache" and "MySQL" services.
- Open localhost/phpmyadmin/.
- Create a Database: Click "New" in the sidebar and create a database named bluebirdhotel.
- Import SQL File: After selecting the database, click "Import" and upload the file bluebirdhotel.sql.
- Access the Application: Open localhost/Hotel-Management-System/.
- Register and Log In to start using the system.
🔑 Login Page Staff Login: • Email: Admin@gmail.com • Password: 1234
📂 Copy the Code To get started with the code, follow these steps:
- Open Git Bash or your preferred terminal.
- Clone the Repository using the following command: git clone https://github.com/Pradeepyn-dev/Hotel-Management-System.git
- Navigate to the Project Directory: cd Hotel-Management-System
- Follow the setup instructions above to install and run the application.