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A Java library for people who want to implement some algorithms quickly.


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A Java library for people who want to implement some algorithms quickly.

List of Current Algorithmics' Classes

  • SievePrimesAlgorithm

    Find and Generate Prime numbers using Sieve's algorithm.

  • NumOccurencesOfCharacters

    Find number of occurences of different/particular character(s) in a string.

  • Divisors

    Find number of divisors of the number of your choice.

  • CheckPrime

    Check if a number is prime or not, efficiently.

  • GetDivSquareSum

    Get sum of squares of divisors of a number efficiently.

  • BinarySearch

    Search result for a number in an array of integers.

  • MaxSubArraySum

    Find the maximum continuous sub array sum in a given array.

  • FindMaxSubArrayProduct

    Find the maximum continuous sub array product in a given array of fixed length and no length constraint.

  • Exponent

    Calculate exponents of natural numbers.

How to use

To know how to get this library in your project, please refer this stackoverflow answer.


  • SievePrimesAlgorithm

This class helps you to find if a number is prime or not, for number upto 1 million, within a millisecond.

To use this library, just make an object of this class, and call method start() in the beginning of your program. After that, just use isPrime() method to find boolean value corresponding to the number which is prime or not.

public boolean isPrime(int number){
  // returns boolean value stating the number is prime or not

Example code, for understanding:

public static void main(String[] args){

  	SievePrimesAlgorithm prime = new SievePrimesAlgorithm();
  	prime.start(); // need to call only once per code
  	System.out.printlnt(prime.isPrime(83478)); // returns false as the number is not prime
  • NumOccurencesOfCharacters

This class helps you find number of characters in a String of your choice. You can find number of occurences of a character of your own choice or you can find number of occurences of all characters individually.

To use this library, simply make an object of this class, and call findNumOccurencesOfCharacter( myString, myCharacter) to find number of occurences of myCharacter in myString. You can also use the method findNumOccurencesOfAllCharacters(myString) to get number of occurences of all characters present in myString.

public int findNumOccurencesOfCharacter(String myString, char myCharacter){
  // returns int stating the number of occurences of myCharacter in myString
public void findNumOccurencesOfAllCharacters(String myString){
  // prints number of occurences of each character

Example code, for understanding

public static void main(String[] args){

    NumOccurencesOfCharacters nm = new NumOccurencesOfCharacters();
    nm.findNumOccurencesOfAllCharacters("hehehe"); // prints number for each character
    System.out.println(nm.findNumOccurencesOfCharacter("abcadefgh", 'a' )); // prints 2
  • Divisors

This class finds all the divisors of the number of your choice in O(n) time, the time complexity will soon be decreased even further.

To use this class, just make a simple object of Divisors class and call findDivisors() method which returns you an ArrayList<Integer> which contains all the divisors of the number in ascending order.

public ArrayList<Integer> findDivisors(int number){
	// returns ArrayList of all the divisors of the number sorted in ascending order

Example code, for understanding:

public static void main(String[] args){

     Divisors d = new Divisors();
     System.out.println(d.findDivisors(10)); // returns [1,2,5,10]
  • CheckPrime

Sometimes using Sieve's algorithm is much more redundant and we need a quick and even more efficient solution for checking if a number is Prime or not. This is the reason of existence of this class.

To use this class, just make a simple object of CheckPrime class and call checkPrime() method which returns you an boolean value corresponding to the number.

public boolean checkPrime(long number){
	// returns true if the number is prime, otherwise fase

Example code, for understanding:

public static void main(String[] args){

    CheckPrime cp = new CheckPrime();
    System.out.println(cp.checkPrime(999999937)); // gives true as this is the largest 9 digit prime number
  • GetDivSquareSum

Getting the sum of squares of divisors of a number is getting too much common in many competetive programming problems, and this becomes a tedious task to do in complexity less than O(n). This is why, this class exists.

To use this class, just make a simple object of GetDivSquareSum class and call sumDivSquare() method which returns you an long value corresponding to the sum of the square of the divisors of the number of your choice.

public long sumDivSquare(int num){
	// returns sum of squares of the divisors of the num

Example code, for understanding:

public static void main(String[] args){

    GetDivSquareSum gd = new GetDivSquareSum();
    System.out.println(gd.sumDivSquare(42)); // prints 2500 that is sum of squares of the divisors of 42
  • BinarySearch

Searching for a particular number's existence in an array has always been one of the most widely used and fundamental part of any coding algorithm for a problem. BinarySearch has always been the most preferred one, so now use BinarySearch without coding the whole algorithm.

To use this class, just make a simple object of BinarySearch(int[] array) class and call search() method which returns you the boolean value stating the value exists in the array or not.

public boolean search(int num){
	// returns true or false depending on the existence of the number in the array

Example code, for understanding:

public static void main(String[] args){

	int[] arr = {1,5,3,14,2,12,7,6};
	BinarySearch b = new BinarySearch(arr);
	System.out.println(; // returns true
  • MaxSubArraySum

Searching for a maximum sum of continuous sub-arrays in a given array is fastly becoming one of the most used and favorite algorithm in coding competitions and interview problems. You may often find it tedious to code this efficiently, hence this class to help you out.

To use this class, just make a simple object of MaxSubArraySum(int[] array) class and call getSum() method which returns you the int value (taking into account for positive and negative numbers) corresponding to the maximum sum of subarrays in your given array.

public boolean getSum(){
	// returns maximum continuous sub-array sum for your desired array

Example code, for understanding:

public static void main(String[] args){

	int[] arr = {1,-2,3,-2,5};
	MaxSubArraySum max = new MaxSubArraySum(arr);
	System.out.println(max.getSum()); // returns 6, that is sum of {3,-2,5}
  • FindMaxSubArrayProduct

Searching for a maximum product of continuous elements of an array is also very common in coding problems and many complex alogrithms. There is also need for getting k elements max sub array product in an array. Hence this class, which finds you the desired product efficiently.

To use this class, just make a simple object of FindMaxSubArrayProduct(int[] array) class and call findMaxProduct() method which returns you the max sub array product for the whole array.

public boolean findMaxProduct(){
	// returns maximum continuous sub-array product for your desired array

There is also another method which lets you find maximum product of k element subarrays in your array. It's structure looks like this:

public boolean findMaxProduct(int k){
	// returns maximum continuous sub-array of length k product for your desired array

Example code, for understanding:

public static void main(String[] args){

	int[] arr = {1,-2,3,-2,5};
	FindMaxSubArrayProduct fm = new FindMaxSubArrayProduct(arr);
	System.out.println(fm.findMaxProduct(2)); // returns -2 that is product of length 2 sub array {1,-2}
	System.out.println(fm.findMaxProduct()); // returns 15 that is max product possible for your array
  • Exponent

This class offers some static methods, offering ways to calculate the n'th power of a number. Usage is rather trivial as shown below:

public static void main(String[] args){

	System.out.println(Exponent.modExp(2163, 1231, 32)); // 27, runs in <1 ms on my machine

The most interesting utility function offered is the modExp function, because it can calculate powers to a certain modulus in constant time.

New additions will be on roll, keep a look out :)