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A CLI tool to add Dependabot configuration once dependencies are present.


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add-dependabot is an npm package that automatically adds a dependabot.yml configuration file to your repository if dependencies are detected in package.json. This allows Dependabot to keep your npm dependencies up-to-date with minimal effort.


  • Automatically detects dependencies in package.json and creates a .github/dependabot.yml file.
  • Sets up a customizable update schedule for npm dependencies.
  • Skips configuration if no dependencies are found in the project.
  • Offers user-friendly prompts to configure Dependabot using checkboxes.
  • Supports command-line flags for specifying update intervals and modes.

Usage (To use in repo without adding to package.json)

Once installed, run the following command in the root directory of your project:

npx add-dependabot

This will:

  1. Check if your package.json contains any dependencies.
  2. If dependencies are found, it creates a .github/dependabot.yml file based on user input.
  3. If the file already exists, it skips creating a new one and logs a message.

Command-Line Flags

You can also use command-line flags to specify the update interval and mode:

  • Mode Options:

    • --local: Creates a direct dependabot.yml file in the .github directory.
    • --action: Sets up a GitHub Actions workflow for Dependabot updates.
  • Interval Options:

    • --daily: Sets Dependabot to check for updates daily.
    • --weekly: Sets Dependabot to check for updates weekly (default).
    • --monthly: Sets Dependabot to check for updates monthly.

Example command with flags:

npx add-dependabot --mode local --interval weekly


To install add-dependabot globally, use the following command:

npm install -g add-dependabot

Or add it to your project as a dev dependency:

npm install --save-dev add-dependabot

File Structure

  • .github/
    • dependabot.yml (if applicable)
    • workflows/
      • dependabot-action.yml (created by the script)


A typical run might look like:

$ npx add-dependabot
Checking for dependencies...
Dependencies detected. Adding Dependabot configuration...
Dependabot configuration file created at .github/dependabot.yml

If you use command-line flags:

$ npx add-dependabot --mode action --interval daily
Creating GitHub Actions workflow for checking Dependabot...
GitHub Actions workflow created at .github/workflows/dependabot.yml


The generated .github/dependabot.yml file will look like this:

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: 'npm'
    directory: '/'
      interval: 'weekly' # Adjusts based on user input

You can manually adjust the update schedule or other settings in the generated file.


  • Dependabot configuration already exists: If the .github/dependabot.yml file already exists, the package will not overwrite it. You can manually edit the file if you need to change the schedule or other settings.
  • No dependencies found: If the script detects no dependencies in package.json, it will skip creating the configuration file.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to contact me here - GitHub to submit a pull request or open an issue if you find a bug or have a feature request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Developed by Prathamesh Shanbhag.

Key Additions

  1. Command-Line Flags Section: Explained the options for the mode (local or action) and the intervals (daily, weekly, monthly).
  2. Example with Flags: Provided an example of how to use the command with flags to clarify usage.


  1. NPM.
  2. Github.


A CLI tool to add Dependabot configuration once dependencies are present.





