This plugin allows you to highlight certain players in your private messages in different colors
Demo (if it's hard to see click on the gif and select hd in the player):
- Higlight private messages from specified players
- Right click -> highlight on a private message
- Or add from the side panel
- Set specific colors for highlighted players in the side panel
- Set if you want to highlight the name of the player in the side panel
- Set if you want to highlight the messagecontent of the player in the side panel
- Set if you want to highlight when the player has logged in/out in the side panel
- Default highlight color - Set the default color to use when highlighing a new player
- Highlight username default - Set if you want the username to be highlighted by default when adding a new player
- Highlight message default - Set if you want the message content to be highlighted by default when adding a new player
- Highlight Logged in/out default - Set if you want the logged in/out message to be highlighted when adding a new player