bitKlavier v3.0
Installation and v3.0 Notes
For iOS visit the App Store on your device.
Download the appropriate installer: OSX and Windows
On OSX the installer will install the following:
- a folder called “bitKlavier” in your /Applications directory, with the following in it:
- the bitKlavier application
- a "samples" folder with the core piano samples for bitKlavier
- a "galleries" folder; galleries saved here will automatically show up in bitKlavier
- a "music" folder, containing PDFs of sheet music for bitKlavier
- a "pianos" folder, for individual pianos
- a "preparations" folder, with subfolders for each preparation type, for individual preparations
- a "soundfonts" folder; soundfonts placed here will automatically show up in bitKlavier
- The manual
- VST, VST3, and AU plugins in the /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins folder
On Windows The installer will install the following:
- a folder called “bitKlavier” in your Documents directory, with the following in it:
- The bitKlavier application
- a "galleries" in your Documents folder; galleries saved here will automatically show up in bitKlavier
- a "music" folder, containing PDFs of sheet music for bitKlavier
- a "pianos" folder, for individual pianos
- a "preparations" folder, with subfolders for each preparation type, for individual preparations
- a "samples" folder with the core piano samples for bitKlavier
- a "soundfonts" folder; soundfonts placed here will automatically show up in bitKlavier
- The manual
- VST and VST3 in the C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2 and VST3 folders
New Features and Changes
- Resonance preparation
- Equalizer on mixed output
- new sample libraries (download separately)
- Updated manual for v3.0: bitKlavier_Manual.pdf
Bug Fixes
- many bug fixes, and new bugs!
Installer Resources
- these resources are included with the Mac and Win installers.